4Dviews - Volumetric video capture technology
The 4Dviews Creators' Platform is your first step to mastering volumetric video. Dive into a world of volumetric stories with step-by-step tutorials and exclusive plug-ins to make your workflow more efficient.
4DViews是什麼?5分鐘搞懂動態立體捕捉技術 | 班老大
4DViews + VR虛擬實境. VR虛擬實境的核心就是在一個完全虛構的世界當中互動,而4DViews該怎麼結合VR應用呢?其實很簡單,就是將4DViews所拍攝的3D模型動畫結果,放進VR虛擬世界當中就完成了,由於VR世界中全都是虛擬的,包括這個「真人」想怎麼變換都沒問題。
Volumetric video capture technology - 4Dviews
Perfecting the art of textures and meshes, volumetric video from the HOLOSYS has an unparalleled level of detail. With professional and creative applications across domains, the HOLOSYS simplifies bringing real humans into VR, AR, and MR.
4DViews容積捕捉系統 - 代理販售 | 新月映像Digi-Cast
vr遊戲. 將容積捕捉人物動畫模型應用於vr製作,塑造獨特氛圍的故事呈現給玩家。
IP 轉譯延伸,布局 5G 時代的 AR、VR 創作!一窺台灣 4DViews
2020年11月5日 · 未來必應創造還想運用 4DViews 技術打造沉浸式劇場、IP 主題電影製作及 VR 電競體驗上,帶給觀眾更多新型態的沉浸式文化展演,進而將台灣文化帶往世界科技的舞台。
運用 4DViews 技術,打造 AR、VR 互動劇場,重現小說《劍魂如 …
2021年12月16日 · 以 4DViews 技術,創造全台首創 AR 劇場 其中《傳承之書》VR 互動劇場為 2020 年發表的作品,2021 年未來式互動藝術團隊再度與原創小說《劍魂如初》進行合作,推出《尋找蕭練》AR 劇場,以新科技延伸故事題材,並再次使用 4DViews 技術於內容產製,提供讀者富 …
nicholasoxford/4dviews_vuforia_AR - GitHub
Capture, Render, and Export your volumetric capture off the 4DViews system. 4DViews exports a filetype .4ds, you need plugins to make Unity understand the system's capture. Typically, 15 second capture, at 30fps would be a little less than half a gigabyte.
15 Best Free VR Games To Play In 2025 - GameSpot
1 天前 · Developer: VRChat, Inc.; Release Date: January 16, 2014; Genre: MMO; Compatibility: Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, Valve Index; In terms of free VR games, there ...
Volumetric Capture - Target3D
Record 3D videos with Central London's only 4DViews Volumetric Capture system: perfect for AR, VR and MR projects.
4d Labs, Inc.
4D Labs transforms the human essence into a 3D asset deployable across multiple platforms. Using state of the art 4D Views HOLOSYS technology, 4D Labs captures and renders an asset while offering solutions to integrate your 3D asset in virtual productions. We deliver hyper-realistic immersive experiences across industries and platforms.