5-foot-long / 5-feet-long | WordReference Forums
2007年6月6日 · a 5-feet-long rope a 5-foot-long rope Some people say that both are correct, but I'm sure that only one of them is so. Actually I've heard people saying: I'm 5 feet tall and also I'm 5 foot tall so ? What is the correct structure? Thank you!
Height in AP/APA style - WordReference Forums
2015年2月24日 · When describing height in formal writing, the APA style guidelines provide an example of: She is 5-foot-3. Shouldn't it be plural instead? Feet? She is 5-feet-3? Because feet is plural for foot and if the quantity is more than one, we say feet instead of foot. I've never heard anyone say, "2 foots". The correct spelling is "2 feet."
Height: 5'10" (how to say in English) | WordReference Forums
2014年12月6日 · In the UK we often say He's 5 foot 10, but technically we should say He's 5 feet 10 (inches tall). As to 'and', it sounds odd to me but I cannot exclude that there may be parts of the English-speaking world where they would add it.
Abbreviation for 'foot' in French | WordReference Forums
2006年9月9日 · Unless you are being very formal, the standard symbols would be acceptable too (at least in Canada): 5' 7" If you use abbreviations, you need to put periods: 5 pi. 7po. Fred_C
6 feet tall or 6 foot tall? - WordReference Forums
2014年12月10日 · I am 6 feet tall or I am 6 foot tall? I am 5 feet 3 or I am 5 foot 3? I am 5 feet 3 tall or I am 5 foot 3 tall? This is confusing..I checked other discussion but still perplexed.
the meaning of 5-foot-2 - WordReference Forums
2014年3月30日 · What does 5-foot-2 mean please? Thank u in advance . 0hisa2me Senior Member. Le Châtillonnais, France.
Foot or feet - WordReference Forums
2006年1月9日 · foot (MEASUREMENT) (plural feet or foot) noun [C] (WRITTEN ABBREVIATION ft) a unit of measurement, equal to twelve inches or 0.3048 metres, sometimes shown by the symbol ': So you can use "foot" or "feet", both are correct.
The distance [...] is 0.5 foot/feet. | WordReference Forums
2010年7月2日 · In the Spanish-English grammar forum, there is an interesting discussion going on about units of measurements when the quantity of what is being measured is between 0 and 1, exclusive; for example, 0.5 foot/feet. How do you write this? The distance between points A and B is 0.5 foot. The distance between points A and B is 0.5 feet.
I stand 7 feet vs I am 7 feet tall - WordReference Forums
2016年12月10日 · Hello. Could you please tell me if there is any difference between "I stand 7 feet" and "I am 7 feet tall"? Can I say: I'm 7 feet tall. / I stand 7 feet tall. The building on the other side of the street stands 60 feet. / The building on the other side of …
Writing someone's height. [six foot one, 6' 11 - WordReference …
2016年10月19日 · You have not given us a sentence to work with, but I would agree with nakretep that "six one" is the most natural, if there is context. Otherwise, you might include "foot", as in the song lyrics "she was five foot two and had eyes of blue". You should always, always, provide context.