想买levis501XX原色的牛仔裤,levis 501-0115,请问高手这个型号 …
levis501XX就是很多养牛新手的入门选择,其裤子质量好,用料十分,养出来的效果好。 是值得推荐的入门级裤子, 另外,楼主提到这款 501-0115,是已经脱浆处理的牛仔裤,严格来说不属于原色牛,只属于颜色是原色的牛仔裤。 即不怎么能养的,无效果的。 501XX的另外还有501-0000和0226.两款都有注明是STF,即未脱浆的牛仔裤,是真正的原色牛,养牛款。 其中0226是黑牛,较难养。 所以新手我推荐入手【501-0000】。 价格一样的,只是这款是真正的养牛裤子,能养 …
Levis 501 0115 - eBay
Explore a wide range of our Levis 501 0115 selection. Find top brands, exclusive offers, and unbeatable prices on eBay. Shop now for fast shipping and easy returns!
李维斯501的基础款..0000是没脱浆的,0115是水洗的原色,你可以看作是0000的脱浆版,都是stf,此外还有水洗程度不同的其他编号。 一般才上手可以考虑0000体验养牛的完整过程。
Levi's Men's Original 501 Jean Indigo Rinse Dark Wash 501-0115
Close your eyes. Think “jeans.” Now open. They were 501® Originals, right? With a classic straight leg and iconic styling, they’re literally the blueprint for every pair of jeans in existence—burned into the world’s collective cortex ever since Levi Strauss (the man himself!) introduced them in 1873. To this day they’v
501® Original Fit Men's Jeans - Dark Wash | Levi's® US
They were 501® Originals, right? With a classic straight leg and iconic styling, they’re literally the blueprint for every pair of modern jeans in existence—burned into the world’s collective cortex ever since Levi Strauss (the man himself!) introduced them in 1873. To this day they’ve never gone out of style. And they never will.
Levi's 李维斯 501系列 501-0115 ORIGINAL 男士直筒牛仔裤 2条
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Levi's Men's 501 Original Mid Rise Regular Fit Straight Leg Jeans
Levi's 501 Button Fly Jeans by Levi Strauss and Co. feature five pocket styling, stress point rivets and Levi's Arcuate Stitching on the back pockets. It features an original classic fit in the seat and thigh and a straight leg. Made from 100% cotton preshrunk heavy denim. The quintessential jean
Levis Jeans 501-0115 Rinsed Indigo - eBay
2022年6月25日 · LEVI'S COLOR CODE# 0115. COLOR : Rinsed Indigo. The blue jean that started it all. The tilted waistband pitches toward the front. Finishes have been hand treated and washed down to give them a soft and comfortable feel.
商品 Levi's 李维斯 501 男士牛仔长裤 00501-0115 - 什么值得买
Levi's 李维斯 501 男士牛仔长裤 00501-0115 611.9元(需买2件,共1223.79元)
Levi's 501 Original Fit Jeans, Rinse Dark Wash, Regular, Straight
Since Levi's® invented it in 1873, the 501® Original has been a blank canvas for self-expression. An iconic straight fit with the signature button fly and an authentic look and feel. The 501® Original sits at the waist and is regular through the thigh with a straight leg. Can be worn with a clean rolled hem or full length, whichever you prefer.