50C5, Tube 50C5; Röhre 50C5 ID1071, Beam Power Tube
Tube 50C5 or Röhre 50C5 ID1071, Beam Power Tube, Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940 and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
50C5 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 50C5 is a beam tetrode audio power valve designed to operate in equipment with a series heater chain and no mains transformer. It is an American design and consequently the typical …
What’s the scoop with tubes 35C5, 50C5, 50EH5?
2022年11月21日 · I recently picked up a 60’s Panasonic “Matsushita” RE-784 tube radio that uses a 50C5 output tube. The radio worked, but the sound was distorted when it was…
Is the 6CA5/6eh5 the Same? - diyAudio
2020年5月26日 · The 50C5 is electrically identical to the 50B5, but the insurance underwriters of the day instituted "creepage rules" for the new PC board based radios requiring a change of …
50C5 SE output transformer - diyAudio
2024年9月7日 · The 50C5 is derived from the 6W6 and has the same characteristics except for the heater and plate dissipation ratings. Both have a 7.5 watt heater that has far greater …
The Bare-Essentials Transmitter
The transmitter consists of a 50C5 crystal oscillator, which operates on either 40 or 80 meters. Since the 50C5 has a 50-V filament, it uses a 400 ohm 20 watt dropping resistor instead of a …
Nostalgia Air: Tube Substitution for 50C5
50C5: 50C5A: Web References: 50C5 (RCA (HB3)) @ Franks Electron Tubes 50C5 (General Electric) @ Franks Electron Tubes 50C5 (Tung-Sol) @ Franks Electron Tubes 50C5 (RCA …
50C5 for a Newbee. - diyAudio
2015年6月25日 · 50C5 is a audio output Beam Pentode good for 1.9W output. Looks like you have the remnants of a radio. You can't arbitrarily substitute tubes. You need to look up the …
Name: 50C5 Use: Miniature tube type used in output stage of compact ac/dc radio receivers. Notes: Requires a miniature 7-pin socket.
50C5 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 50C5 is an American audio output beam tetrode. It was designed for operation with anode voltages of 110 Volts and would be found in broadcast radio receivers with series heater …