约 4 个结果

How much louder is 50db then 30db? - Answers
2024年5月23日 · 50dB - 30dB = 20dB. 3dB is decrease to half. 20/3 = almost 7. so 30dB is 7 times more silent than 50
What does 50db sound like? - Answers
2023年10月3日 · Louder at 800 Hz 50dB or 600 Hz 30dB? Sound Pressure Level(dB SPL) response , based on Equal- Loudness contours( ISO 226:2003 rev) and the Original ISO Std( set for 40 phons), applied in ...
How many times louder is a sound wave with an intensity of 50dB …
2024年5月25日 · The difference in intensity between the two sound waves is 30dB (50dB - 20dB). Using the formula for sound intensity level (in dB) which is based on a logarithmic scale, a sound wave that is 30dB ...
How far away can you hear 50 db? - Answers
2024年6月14日 · A sound at 50 dB can typically be heard from about 50 feet away in a quiet environment. However, in a noisy environment or with background noise, the distance you can hear the sound may be reduced.