Shin-Etsu Silicone : Silicone Emulsions
Shin-Etsu Silicone is totally committed to meeting the needs of our customers. You have the choice of around 5,000 different kinds of high-performance silicone products to meet your needs, as they are suited to be used in various fields such as electrical, electronics, automotive, machines, chemical, textile, food, and construction.
X-52-2328 | 化粧品用シリコーン セレクションガイド|信越シリ …
製品に関するお問い合わせ X-52-2328 お問い合わせフォーム 信越化学工業株式会社 シリコーン事業本部 営業第一部 化粧品グループ 03-6812-2406
X-52-2328 - Shin-Etsu Silicones
Product Description Milky white emulsion. UN Hazard Classification No UN hazard classification.
东莞市建盟化学有限公司经销世界知名品牌X-52-2328有机硅乳液产品。 X-52-2328有机硅乳液成分,外观,粘度,硅油,硅油稀释剂,硅油含量,PH值,离子性。
X-52-2328 by Shin-Etsu Silicones Europe B.V. - Personal Care
X-52-2328 is a non-ionic silicone emulsion based on amino-modified highly polymerized and low viscosity dimethicone as base oil. X-52-2328 is used in personal care and cosmetics.
Shin-Etsu Silicones Europe B.V.公司提供的X-52-2328 -- 个人护理 …
X-52-2328 is a non-ionic silicone emulsion based on amino-modified highly polymerized and low viscosity dimethicone as base oil. X-52-2328 is used in personal care and cosmetics.
Shin-Etsu Silicones X-52-2328 Fluid datasheet
Information Provided by Shin-Etsu Silicones of America, Inc.
X-52-2328 - ShinEtsu - SpecialChem
2023年9月22日 · X-52-2328 by ShinEtsu is a non-ionic silicone emulsion based on amino-modified highly polymerized and low viscosity dimethicone as base oil. It is used in personal care and cosmetics.
Shin-Etsu Silicones X-52-2328 Fluid Datasheet1/1
X-52-2328 (信越化学工業株式会社):Cosmetic-Info.jp
化粧品原料「X-52-2328 ()」(製造元:信越化学工業株式会社)についての情報です