A 5407 Resale Certificate is requested once your home has a buyer and prior to the date of closing. As set forth in the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act, the Association has 10 days from the date of request to provide the information and copies of documents required to comply with section 5407 of the Act.
5407/3407 Resale Documents - delvalproperty.com
Del Val has partnered with HomeWiseDocs.com to offer a more effective process for ordering and delivering resale disclosures, statement of accounts and other closing documents. Sign up is easy and you can start utilizing the system immediately.
A 5407 Resale Certificate is requested once your home has a buyer, and prior to the date of closing. As set forth in the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act (Act 180). The Association has 10 days from the date a request is received to provide the information and copies of documents required to comply with section 5407 of the Act.
In accordance with Section 5407 of the Pennsylvania Planned Community Act, enclosed please find a certification statement, original and amended By-laws, Regulations and Easements pertaining to homes in the Quarry Ridge Community Association.
Association Resale Certificate PDF Form - FormsPal
Association Resale Certificate Form – Fill Out and Use This PDF. The Association Resale Certificate form is an essential document prepared in line with the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Communities Act, serving to provide potential buyers with vital information about a specific property within a homeowner association.
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Brandywine River Estates HOA - Request a Form 5407
The 5407 package provides specific information concerning the association, including financial status, HOA documents and new member registration form. It also provides the settlement company with information concerning any funds due to the association by the current owner.
Understanding the 5407 Resale Certificate for Homeowner ... - JustAnswer
You can find the 5407 Certificate form at the following link: http://www.parealtor.org/clientuploads/Legal/LawsRegs/SampleResaleCertificate.pdf . The purpose of this is for disclosure to the potential buyer of issues that a buyer would find material in the buyer's decision as to whether or not to buy a house.
Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act | The Reserve
2017年6月1日 · Section 5407 of the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Community Act (“the Act”) requires a Resale Certificate be requested once a home has a buyer and prior to the date of closing. As set forth in the Act, the HOA has ten (10) days from the date of request to provide the information and copies of documents required to comply with Section 5407.
Sample Association Resale Certificate - Fill Online, Printable ...
SAMPLE HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION RESALE CERTIFICATE This certificate is provided pursuant to the provisions of Section 5407 of the Pennsylvania Uniform Planned Communities Act. This form is drafted as an example of a resale certificate. Do not use this form without first having it reviewed by counsel* Remove this notice before use.
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HOA Resale Package 101: What to Know When Joining an HOA - FSR
1) The first is the actual resale certificate, which may also be called a closing statement, estoppel, dues statement, paid assessment letter, 3407 or 5407. The resale certificate is specific to the home being purchased.