Beginner's Guide to Loading 56-50 Cartridges for Taylor's Spencer ...
2006年11月28日 · I've been reloading for better than 45 years and I've found each new cartridge is a new adventure and the 56-50 certainly was one of those. Your information was well put …
Kevin Tinny - Part 7: Modern Centerfire 56-50 Ammo & Cartridge …
2020年4月16日 · Review of posted smokeless 56-50 loads indicate TO ME that the charge is quite small in VOLUME relative to the 56-50 case capacity. If a case is doubl-charged with …
Making 56-50 Brass for the Armi-Sport Spencer from 32 Gauge Brass
2011年12月27日 · A heavy duty press like the Rock Chucker from Lyman or like press is a MUST for resizing these cartridges. First is to run the case up into the 56-50 resizing die with the de …
Case dimensions of modern .56-50 brass - CAS City
2007年7月29日 · All 50-70 cases are 1.750" long. I have a leather cartridge belt that I made and it handles both the 56-50 and the 50-70 cartridges without a problem. The loop diameter will …
smokeless loads for 56-50 - CAS City
2006年1月13日 · Here is what I have experienced so far with smokeless loads in the 56-50. Since there was (is) no load data available, I started out with low end and reduced 50-70 loads and …
Reloading 56-50 Spencer - Cas City Forum Hall & CAS-L
2015年4月12日 · The 32ga brass shot shells can be formed into many cartridges,all the British 500-450 type cartridges,quite a few metric cartridges and all the Spencer cartridges but …
Shooting original 56-50 pointed bullets in a center fire spencer
2013年1月2日 · That includes Spencers, .50-70, .45-55 and .45-70. Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom!
Feeding problems eased... (56-50) - cascity.com
2009年9月13日 · With a little close observation, it's very easy to see why my 56-50 needs to be operated rather vigorously in order to reduce feeding problems. The top edge of the breech …
2014年6月12日 · I thought I would try asking again, I just received my new from Cimarron Spencer in 56-50 I loaded a number of rounds in new Starline brass with lyman 515139 sizes …
Does anyone have ballistics data for 56-50? - CAS City
2005年11月30日 · But, because the 56-50 is under 1.285", its not legal in many states. 45gr of 777 FFFg and 350gr bullet with mag primers (finally got to test them) drove it over 1200fps. …