56TH MAINTENANCE GROUP - Luke Air Force Base > Units
The 56th Maintenance Group provides aircraft maintenance on 33 F-16 and 123 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. The group plays a pivotal role in conducting safe training for 405 pilots, by …
Attached below the disc, a Blue scroll edged with a narrow Yellow border and inscribed “56TH EQUIMENT MAINTENANCE SQ” in Yellow letters.
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron (56 EMS) - Luke Air Force …
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron (56 EMS) Video. View Count 1,056
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron (56 EMS) (623) 856-5708. 56th Force Support Squadron (56 FSS) (623) 856-7001. 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron (56 LRS) (623) 856-7263. 56th …
2015年11月10日 · Consolidated (22 October 1984) with the 56th Maintenance Squadron, Fighter, Jet, Constituted on 14 June 1948. Activated 1 August 1948. Redesignated 56th Maintenance …
56th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (56 AMXS)
Luke Air Force Base, AZ 85309. United States. (623) 856-9199
56th EMS competes in AFCOCOMP - The Thunderbolt - Luke AFB
2019年5月24日 · Members of the 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron munitions flight at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., competed in the second annual Air Force Combat Munitions competition …
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron | CurrentOps.com
56th EMS; 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron USAF. Locations... - Present Luke Air Force Base Glendale, Arizona, United States. Follow @currentopscom. Quick facts. Component …
1.1.1. The 56th Maintenance Group (56 MXG) Commander has the primary responsibility for establishing a CDDAR capability. The 56th Fighter Wing (56 FW) Command Post will …
56th EMS utilizes new system for 100% munition inventory count
2020年9月21日 · The Theater Integrated Combat Munitions System (TICMS) is a new software used to maintain accountability of munitions by making the counting process, formerly a paper …