RCA 5692/6SN7 - Red Base - Reverb
Widely accepted to be the best 6SN7 type available, the RCA 5692 red base has attained legendary status. This is a military standard tube; made to tight tolerances it is designed to last more than 10,000 hours. If you read up on this tube, …
5692, Tube 5692; Röhre 5692 ID5874, Double Triode
Tube 5692 or Röhre 5692 ID5874, Double Triode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Universal shown. Radio tubes are valves.
World Best NOS 5692 6SN7 RCA Red Base Dual Triode Perfect …
5692 RCA Red Base Dual Triode Made in USA Superior designed for MILITARY Joint Army Navy (J.A.N.) critical and industrial applications where 10,000 hour life, close triode section balance, rigid construction, shock resistance, harsh temperatures, and stability are required.
HIFIDIY论坛-[网中人]的极品文章说极品电子管 - Powered by Discuz!
2010年9月23日 · 美国RCA公司生产的5692管是专为军方设计的加强型6SN7管,具有10000小时以上寿命.早期5692采用红色管座,哑黑色屏级,五根支架以及三云母方环设计.后期则改用通俗灰屏.音色上以早期版本最佳,声场定位好,条理很是清晰,人声长细、阐发力极强,高低频分布平均,乐感很好.打军用鹰标的5692,哑黑屏,五支架三云母. 美国RCA公司生产的5691管是专为军方设计的加强型6SL7管,具有10000小时以上寿命.早期5691采用红色管座,哑黑色屏级,五根支架以及三云母方 …
2006年5月30日 · 其实我见过的5692很多了,长字RCA和JAN CRC 5692这两种外观上的区别主要有两点: 1 一种是白色长字RCA;一种是白色JAN CRC 5692,红座上有一个小圈里标RCA,有的另外还有一只鹰的标记或者一个正方形里一个三角的标记。 2 白色长字RCA的管子顶部有一个白色圆圈,中间有RCA的LOGO;JAN的管子顶部是没有任何图案的。 看起来不配对! 来顶顶。 已经转让给kindchen2000兄,就此封帖。 帐号收到,已经去办汇款,请查收。 谢谢。 是不是 …
5692 RCA Red Base - TubeDepot.com
The 5692 RCA Red Base is the Holy Grail of 6SN7 tube types. Built to last 10,000+ hours, this tube is rich and melodic with an overall smoothness that can't be beat. Our current stock are military pulls in white boxes.
RCA 5692 Tube for sale - eBay
Get the best deals for RCA 5692 Tube at eBay.com. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items!
• RCA Mechanical:-5692 • MEDIUM-MU TWIN TRIODE RCA-5692 is a medium-mu twin triode designed and manufactured for critical industrial applications. It is particularly useful as a balanced de amplifier, multivi brator, blocking oscillator, and resistance-coupled amplifier. Mounting Position ..... Maximum Overall Length Maximum Seated Length.
5692 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
Type 5692 is a type 6SN7GT of 'pinchless' construction, in a short tubular bulb and with a slimline base cap. Low-frequency characteristics are as type 6SN7 but high-frequency characteristics, especially noise figure, are significantly better than in the original 6SN7.
DA Form 5692 – Ammunition Consumption Certificate - Army …
2022年8月19日 · A DA Form 5692 – Certificate of Ammunition Consumption is required when training personnel purchase or use specially controlled training ammo. It must be completed by the person consuming the ammo and must be signed by …