26 U.S. Code § 5848 - Restrictive use of information
No information or evidence obtained from an application, registration, or records required to be submitted or retained by a natural person in order to comply with any provision of this chapter or regulations issued thereunder, shall, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, be used, directly or indirectly, as evidence against that p...
台新國際商業銀行股份有限公司(台新銀行 Taishin Bank-5848)-台 …
台新國際商業銀行股份有限公司(Taishin International Bank CO., LTD.),統編:86519539,股票代號 5848 台新銀行 (Taishin Bank),電話:02-23268899,傳真:02-55719396,公司所在地:臺北市中山區中山北路二段44號1樓及地下1樓,代表人姓名:吳東亮,董監事:吳東亮,尚瑞強,郭瑞嵩,吳統雄,高志尚,張 ...
Nitronic 60 (S21800 /AMS 5848) - Aircraft Materials
Nitronic 60 is an all purpose metal that was originally designed as a temperature alloy and therefore performs well at high temperature around 1800ºF. The additions of silicon and manganese assist to inhibit wear, galling and fretting even in the annealed condition.
台新銀行(5848) | Fugle富果
個股代號: 5848, 股票簡稱: 台新銀行, 商品類型: 股票, 交易市場: 公發, 公司全名: 台新國際商業銀行, 產業類別: 金融保險業, 投資主題: , 常用名稱: , 個股資訊:
AMS 5848 Nitronic镍合金性能和用途 - 百家号
2024年11月1日 · ams 5848 是一种高强度镍合金,常用于燃气轮机、喷气发动机和发电厂等高温和高腐蚀性环境。 它由镍、铬和铁制成,但确切的成分取决于制造商。 AMS 5848 通常使用真空感应熔炼或电弧再熔炼技术生产。
WN5848 (SWA5848) Southwest Flight Tracking and History - FlightAware
2024年5月30日 · Track Southwest (WN) #5848 flight from St Louis Lambert Intl to Orlando Intl Flight status, tracking, and historical data for Southwest 5848 (WN5848/SWA5848) including scheduled, estimated, and actual departure and arrival times.
(5848) 台新商銀 - 個股市況總覽 - Goodinfo!台灣股市資訊網
(5848) 台新商銀 股票資訊總覽,包含股價走勢、技術分析、公司基本資料、重要行事曆、法人買賣、資券變化、現股當沖、股利政策、股權分散、董監持股,以及資產、負債、營收、損益、現金流量等資料。
(5848) 台新商銀 - 公司基本資料 - Goodinfo!台灣股市資訊網
(5848) 台新商銀 公司基本資料,包含股票代碼、公司完整名稱、英文簡稱、產業類別、成立日期、上市/上櫃(掛牌)日期、資本額、每股面值、公司市值、股票發行數量、公司管理人員(董事長、總經理、發言人)姓名、公司地址、主要業務說明、簽證會計師事務所 ...
EBECRYL® 5848 - Allnex
EBECRYL® 5848 is an epoxidized soya oil acrylate based in part on renewable resources. EBECRYL® 5848 provides improved flow, levelling and pigment wetting in ultraviolet light (UV) or electron beam (EB) energy curable inks and coatings.
SAE AMS5848E PDF - Engineer Documents Center
This specification covers a corrosion resistant steel in the form of bars, wire, forgings, extrusions, mechanical tubing, flash welded rings, and stock for forging, extruding, or flash welded rings.