58th Airlift Squadron - Wikipedia
The 58th Airlift Squadron is part of the 97th Air Mobility Wing at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma. It operates C-17 Globemaster III aircraft training pilots and loadmasters for airlift and airdrop operations.
58th Airlift Squadron > Altus Air Force Base > Display
The 58th is the squadron of choice for tough joint training missions. Called on by the Army's Golden Knights Demonstration Team in March of 2009, members of the 58th provided unsurpassed airlift support to the team as they attempted to break the US record for the longest distance personnel high altitude low opening airdrop.
58th AS unveils new facility renovations - Altus Air Force Base
58th AS unveils new facility renovations. From left, U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Rasinski, the 58th Airlift Squadron commander and Lt. Col. Douglas Jeffery, the 730th Air Mobility Training Squadron commander, cut the ribbon celebrating the reopening of the 58th AS building at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma, June 19, 2020.
Deck the Skies: 58th AS joins Operation Toy Drop
2024年12月18日 · A team of pilots and loadmasters from the 58th Airlift Squadron joined the 18th Air Support Operations Group, U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command Airborne, and 14 partner nations for jumpmaster validations during a portion of the Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, Dec. 8-9, 2024.
58 AS Rat Pack drops Navy Leap Frogs over California
2023年11月29日 · Airmen from the 58th AS supported the Navy Parachute Team (“The Leap Frogs”), during two sporting events in the San Francisco Bay Area of California, Nov. 17-19. The Leap Frogs, commissioned by the Chief of Naval Operations in 1974, are composed of Navy SEALs, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and other Naval Special Warfare (NSW) rates.
Responsible to the 97 Operations Group, the 58 Airlift Squadron directly affects America's mobility capability by training all C-17 crewmembers for the United States Air Force. Aerial transportation in Southwest and Western Pacific during World War II; airborne assault on Nadzab, New Guinea, 5 Sep 1943. Worldwide airlift, 1966-1971 and 1977-1993.
58th Airlift Squadron - C-141 Flying Squadrons
Responsible to the 97th Operations Group, the 58th Airlift Squadron directly affects America's mobility capability by training all C-17 crew members for the United States Air Force. Lineage: Constituted 58th Troop Carrier Squadron on 12 Nov 1942. Activated on 18 Nov 1942. Inactivated on 25 Mar 1946. Activated in the reserve on 28 Jun 1947.
58 AS Airmen showcase C-17 capabilities to Altus, Vance AFB civic ...
2023年6月8日 · ALTUS AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. -- Airmen from the 58th Airlift Squadron showcased C-17 Globemaster III capabilities and mission to civic leaders from Altus and Vance Air Force Base, Oklahoma, June 6, 2023. During their flight, civics leaders had the opportunity to witness air refueling as well as ask the air crew questions about the mission.
58th Airlift Squadron [58th AS] - GlobalSecurity.org
Under the Air Education and Training Command, the 58th Airlift Squadron is responsible for the formal school training of all C-17 Globemaster III aircrew members, as well as maintaining worldwide...
58th Airlift Squadron - CurrentOps.com
58th AS; 58th Airlift Squadron USAF. Locations... - Present Altus Air Force Base Altus, Oklahoma, United States. Follow @currentopscom. Quick facts. Component USAF (AC) Higher headquarters... - Present 97th Operations Group. Similar units. 99th Airlift ...