S-300导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
使用5N63(Flap Lid A 「活动盖 A」)或海军型3R41(Top Dome 「頂罩」)制导雷达系统,指令制导与半主动雷达寻的,同时跟踪24个目标,引导4枚导弹攻击4个目标。
如何评价3R41"顶罩"火控雷达? - 知乎
5n63 看起来是矩形的原因是中央八角形阵列被四个较小的圆形天线包围,用于旁瓣消除。 在主阵列的上方和下方还有另外两个阵列,可能用于IFF和导弹跟踪/上行链路。
30N6 - Army Recognition
The 5N63/30N6 equipment is described as being a 'multifunction, four co-ordinating, mono-impulse, impulse Doppler' tracking and missile guidance radar that forms part of the S-300P …
RCSB PDB - 5N63: Crystal Structure of p38alpha in Complex with …
2017年2月14日 · Structure-based design, synthesis and crystallization of 2-arylquinazolines as lipid pocket ligands of p38 alpha MAPK.
Almaz S-300P/PT/PS/PMU/PMU1/PMU2 - Air Power Australia
2021年10月20日 · Unlike the Patriot's MPQ-53 engagement radar which has substantial autonomous search capability, the 5N63 is primarily an engagement radar designed to track …
30N6E “Flap Lid” - Radartutorial
30N6E “Flap Lid” is an I/J band multi-function phased-array trailer-mounted engagement radar with digital beam steering for use with the SA-10 “Grumble” theatre defence missile. The …
S-300P SA-10 Grumble - Army Recognition
2024年5月22日 · An S-300P battery configuration consists of three semi-trailer launchers and a single 5N63 radar. The battery could simultaneously engage up to a maximum of six targets …
用于制导的5N63型相控阵雷达 同样可以装在桅杆上. 每个导弹旅和团还会额外配备1部36D6三坐标预警雷达雷达。 该型雷达根据载具不同,分为车载型与装在40V6M1半拖车上的固定型。 车 …
S300P系统组成 - 哔哩哔哩
经典防空系统由以下部分组成:火控雷达 搜索雷达 指挥车 运输车. 但也有个例,例如9m330道尔就集上述四者为一体,s300系统整合了火控与搜索雷达(5n64/64n6)
SOV - 5N63 / 5N63S ("Flap Lid A" / "Flap Lid B")
The 5N63 is the command post and target irradiation and missile guidance radar of the S-300PT anti-aircraft missile system. The command post is located on several trailers towed by tractor …