6x45 (6mm-223) | Sniper's Hide Forum
2013年3月10日 · Anyone loading 6x45. I have an upper on the way and a set of Forster dies ordered.
6x45mm vs 6.5 Grendel | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年4月24日 · 6.5 grendel hands down, better ballistics than the 6x45 and the 6x6.8. i have made all three and keep going back to my grendel for my go to gun and have hit targets past …
6x45 Bolt Rifle | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年9月12日 · Re: 6x45 Bolt Rifle Yes I have one or maybe I should say I had one as a buddy borrowed it a few years ago and hasn't brought it back. He loves it and as I remember it was a …
6X45 questions | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年1月27日 · I built an AR in 6 X 45 as a predator rifle last year and love it. I'm restricted to around the 80 gr. range in a hollow point bullet because of the magazine COAL issue. I have a …
6x45 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2014年1月21日 · All - Am contemplating a 6x45, and I'd like to send 95 smk's (pointed) close to 2900 without having to go 6tcu. Barrel length above 27" is not ideal for me. The only reason …
6x45 6mm/223 AR Upper | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年12月20日 · Re: 6x45 6mm/223 AR Upper The .264 LBC-Ar and the 6.5 Grendel are pretty much the same thing besides the difference in the barrel throats and maybe a couple other …
6x45 or 6.5 Creedmoor | Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年7月8日 · The 6mm x 45 isn't that cheap as far as bullet choices are concerned. If you do go with a "lightweight" 6 x 45mm it won't be the best trainer rifle due to barrel heat up and POI …
IS 6MM AR THE SAME AS A 6X45? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年3月24日 · Re: IS 6MM AR THE SAME AS A 6X45? the 6x45 is a necked up 223/556 great for shooting light bullets with a decent velocity. The 6mmAR is a very specialized and very …
6x45????? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2007年1月5日 · Re: 6x45????? i just finished a 6tcu (6mm/223ackley) on a remington short action for a truck gun. wanted something with more horsepower than the heavy 223 bullets. used a …
6X45 Dies | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年11月20日 · Hello all. First post, so I hope this is in the right place. Hate to get smacked down before I get started. Anyway,,,, here's my question. Can I use 223 bushing dies for the …