The AA8V 6146B Amplifier - Main Page and Exterior Photos
This design used a single 6146 tube and could be run as a linear amplifier on SSB or as a class C amplifier on CW. This was ideal for my purposes, and it looked like I could scrounge up all of the necessary parts, except for the grid input circuit, which …
6146B Beam Power Tube and Data Sheets - Frostburg State University
The 6146 beam power tube and its various descendents (6146A, 6146B) was and still is one of the most popular transmitting tubes in amateur radio service. The tube was originally introduced by RCA in an ad in the January, 1952 issue of QST magazine:
The AA8V 6146B Amplifier - Amplifier Schematic Diagrams and …
The amplifier bias circuit applies adjustable regulated bias to the 6146B control grid. The use of regulated bias results in improved linearity, important when the amplifier is used for SSB service.
6146 Amp Feasibility - diyAudio
2020年9月6日 · Here's a complete design for a 6146 PP amp using 8K iron. I would have less than stellar confidence regarding putting a lot of feedback around Edcor iron, but at the same time you're not going to find an 8K/100W transformer in Hammond's catalog.
A Single 6146 Amplifier The photographs of Figs. 6-64, 6-67, and 6-68, show views of an amplifier using a single 6146. With the built-in supply shown, it can be operated at an imput of about 70 watts, or up to 90 watts with a 750-volt supply. The circuit is shown in Fig. 6-65. The input circuit is a conventional parallel-tuned tank with link ...
6146W Power Amplifier. Please help! - diyAudio
2007年5月9日 · I have a lot of experience with 6146 -- from ham radio days -- the tube was most often used as a linear amplifier for SSB and DSB operation and in Class C for CW -- the highest I ever went was 6 meters (50MHz) == plate connection should be made with a ceramic connector -- these can be found in the consumer electronics/ham radio/other ham radio ...
In a grid driven amplifier it is necessary to match the low impedance of the driving transmitter (typically 50 ohms) to the high impedance input of the tube (typically several thousand to several million ohms).
6146 Tubes - Tubes - Transmitting, Audio, Misc. - RF Parts
6146W GE Transmitting tube, Matched set of 3, Beam Power Amplifier. This tube is not recommended for Kenwood. New Old Stock * No longer available for export MFR: GE/JAN SKU: 6146-M3-GE
Requesting help building ASUSA 100 watt, 6146 tube mono amps
2023年2月10日 · 6146 is unique in its ability to deliver power in pentode Class AB1 - 120 W ICAS for a pair, compared to 807's 72 W. And this is with very low screen voltage of 180 V. KT88 and 6550 work optimally with much higher screen voltages, and they deliver less power, even with their much higher max plate dissipation. 6146 circuits will need to be re ...
The AA8V 6146B Amplifier - Typical Operating Conditions
The first table below summarizes the operation of the amplifier at the maximum output of 62 watts on the 40m band. Operation on the other bands yields similar values. The second table shows typical operating conditions at an output of 50 watts.