It is intended for low distortion audio frequency power amplification service in either single or push-pull/parallel tube applications. The Svetlana 6AS7 has an indirectly-heated unipotential …
6AS7G @ The Valve Museum
The 6AS7G is a double triode with special properties. The AC anode resistance is very low at 280 Ohms and the mutual conductance is considerable at 7.5 mA/V. This valve could be used in …
6AS7, Tube 6AS7; Röhre 6AS7 ID18665, Double Triode
Tube 6AS7 or Röhre 6AS7 ID18665, Double Triode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power-supply shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6AS7G / 6AS7GA / 6080 Power Vacuum Tubes - TubeDepot.com
TubeDepot carries a selection of 6AS7G / 6AS7GA / 6080 Power Vacuum Tubes. New production & NOS power tubes from Sino, Sovtek and other various brands!
The 6AS7 “Purpleheart” SET - Cascade Tubes
2024年7月18日 · With the driver stage already throughly investigated for the 6336 SET, the design for this amp turned to the 6AS7 power triode. After investigating several different plate …
Resources: The 6AS7G Power Triode Tube - Atma-Sphere
Extremely high linearity tube with low filament requirements capable of extremely high transconductance. Best for OTL amplifiers.
6AS7 SET amp discussion from Photo Gallery - diyAudio
2014年3月4日 · Here's my first go at a low powered SET amp. 6AS7 power stage, 12AX7 driver stage, 5V4G rectifier, 15W Edcor GXSE (1.7K) output transformers, Hammond...
6AS7 / 6H13C / 6N13S Power Tubes | thetubestore.com
The 6AS7G power tube is best known for being the used in Atma-Sphere OTL Tube amplifier and many OLT headphone amps. 6AS7 | 6H13C | 6N13 Vacuum Power Tubes. In stock and ready …
6N13S/6AS7G PP Amplifier schematic - diyAudio
2023年1月2日 · The 6AS7 needs a larger drive voltage than the usual. Connecting the cathodes of the second stage to -50v instead of ground adds to the peak available drive voltage before …
6AS7 Vacuum Power Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Purchase 6AS7 vacuum power tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.