6AS7 OTL - diyAudio
2007年3月1日 · 6as7 Otl seen this schematic looks interesting-any opinions? Attachments. 6as7_futterman_otl.gif. 7.1 KB · Views: 1,037 poynton. Member. Joined 2005. 2007-03-01 7:36 pm #2 2007-03-01 7:36 pm #2 Hi. It's not one I recall seeing before. The B+ is a little on the low side, usually 140v. ...
the Ubiquitous 6AS7G OTL - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2018年1月15日 · The 6AS7G family OTL headphone amp is everywhere these days. I have a large collection of these tubes, thought I'd do my own version of the circuit, it's now something I build on a select basis for Head-Fi friends, they seem to like it. This type of amplifier is typically paired with high-impedance headphones given the relatively high output ...
6AS7 OTL - diyAudio
2007年5月30日 · 6AS7 OTL. 6AS7 OTL. Thread starter croccodillo; Start date 2007-05-30 3:15 pm; Status Not open for further replies. Jump to Latest croccodillo. Member. Joined 2005. nanito.org. 2007-05-30 3:15 pm #1 2007-05-30 3:15 pm #1 6as/ Otl Hello, I have a bunch of 6N13S (6AS7G) tubes, I'm thinikng to realise an OTL amplifier. ...
[DIY] 真空管後級:6AS7GA OTL 2x90W - Mobile01
2020年9月3日 · 6as7因為低內阻 (<300)就是常見之otl管。 但其實OTL製作不容易,電路主要有SEPP and circlotron等結構,先不細說。 OTL還有一點天限就是電路如不夠穩定,容易變成燒叭神器,很多公司都栽過, 因此重點來了 ,OTL市場罕見。
6AS7 OTL Headphone - diyAudio
The bias of the 6AS7 seems very different between both amp, the cleaner one is biased around 33mA and the warmer one around 70mA The cleaner amp is using a 12AU7 and the warmer one a 6SN7. My headphones impedance ranges from 150 ohm to 600 ohm (Mostly Sennheiser and AKG Sextett) I’ve never heard an OTL therefore I’d like to build it ...
OTL-amps-pros-cons - TURNER AUDIO
The 4 x 6AS7 working in pure PP class A1 will sound far better than any OTL amp. If 2 x 6AS7 or 4 x 6AS7 are in parallel SET mode, the primary OPT load = 416r or 208r respectively. There will be far more THD and IMD than a PP amp, but most ppl will find the sound to be OK if enough
6AS7 OTLアンプ製作例(フロービス)
2、6AS7を全て抜き取り、メイントランス用のヒューズを入れ電源ON。各所電圧確認。 EF86のプレート電圧が10V以上異なる場合は※Rv150Kを調整する。 異常が無ければバイアス用ボリュームを回し切り
6AS7 OTL - Intact Audio
2005年2月1日 · 6AS7 OTL. stephie's place. Moderator: sbench. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Retsel Posts: 47 Joined: Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:51 pm Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan USA. 6AS7 OTL. Post by Retsel » Thu May 24, 2018 5:41 pm. Hi Stephie, I would like to build an OTL amp to see what the OTL hype is all about. After reviewing different designs, I think I like ...
OTL Amplifier Design - Tube CAD
The two obvious choices are the 6AS7 and the 6C33. Actually, we can add to this list the 6080 and 6082, which are industrial versions of the 6AS7, with the 6082 holding a 26.5V @ 600mA heater. Its 26.5V heater is a blessing, if a regulated heater power supply is used, as the 6AS7's 6.3V @ 2.5A heater would overburden most low-voltage regulators.
6AS7 OTL Headphone Amplifier - diyAudio
2024年12月3日 · 6AS7 OTL Headphone Amplifier. 6AS7 OTL Headphone Amplifier. Thread starter lineup; Start date 2024-12-03 3:38 pm; Jump to Latest lineup. Member. Joined 2005. 2024-12-03 3:38 pm #1 2024-12-03 3:38 pm #1 Here I will …