6B8, Tube 6B8; Röhre 6B8 ID2102, Double Diode-Pentode
Tube 6B8 or Röhre 6B8 ID2102, Double Diode-Pentode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and RF/IF-Stage shown. Radio tubes are valves.
今天下雨,在家折腾一下 6B8P,嘘...低调,这事不能说得太细 - 〓 …
2012年6月10日 · 但是我很纠结,我一直很纠结这类管子的三极管接法,因为 帘栅极 电压受到限制,手册总说 6B8P的帘栅极最大电压只有140V。 300B要多少推动电压? 看来线性不错啊! 300B要多少推动电压? 峰值60V左右 ,300B输出 6W多。 不要相信 网上XX 忽悠让300B输出8W 音频功率 测测失真,6W时已经接近5%了, 输出8W失真将超过8% .... JS们可以不看啊 今天 上午断断续续的下雨,本来还想出去溜溜的,只能在家里 鼓捣灯泡玩了....鼓捣什么呢,当然是 昨 …
6B8 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6B8 American metal valve is a double diode pentode. Such valves were made for the signal detector, AGC detector and first audio amplifier stages of superhet receivers usually as a double diode triode.
Simple Valve Amplifier Circuits. - Cool386
6BL8 Amplifier. Used in one of my Pulse Counting FM Receivers, this design puts out about 300mW. It requires about 14mA at 215V for the B+ and 450mA at 6.3V for the heater. The 6BL8 is undoubtedly the most widely used TV valve in Australia. Europeans know it as the ECF80, or its series heater equivalent, the PCF80 or 9A8.
国产 电子管手册中标出的6B8P 特性曲线 可能有误 - 〓电子管技术 …
2012年6月9日 · 今天列出来 美、苏、中 三国的6B8 同型号管子 特性曲线,大家自己对比一下。 曲线 乍一看没什么,但仔细看 就会觉得越看越奇怪,Ug前三条 是每一伏一条,但是从负2就突然变到了负6,虽说管子曲线随着负栅压的增加会变密,但是从-2到-6这4V的变化跟-1到-2这1V伏变化的宽度几乎相同,这点一直在我心中打了一个大大的问号! 看到没有,假如不看标注,单从样子来看 苏联这个 和中国的6B6P几乎一样。 但是请仔细看,苏联的这个曲线 管子Ug标的是 0、-2 …
2018年12月18日 · 6P12的特点是,低压大电流。 所以用变压器输出,并不是发挥6P12特长。 再说了,要是用输出变压器推耳机,6P14或者6P15的线性远优于6P12. 感谢宝尔真老兄,给我们提供电路图! 电源牛是不锈钢盖,输出牛是铝盖,都是自家做的。 这是几年前发的,提上来大家看一看。 6B8这种管子,在过去小北京收音机里使用。 修小北京收音机,6B8损坏率很高。 阴极发射衰落,这个仿苏管子给我留下了不好的印象。 设计制作非常漂亮! 宝尔真的机子? 6B8P声 …
6B8 Audio Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Purchase 6B8 vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.
6Б8, Tube 6Б8; Röhre 6Б8 ID18926, Double Diode-Pentode
Tube 6Б8 or Röhre 6Б8 ID18926, Double Diode-Pentode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and RF/IF-Stage shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6B8GT @ The Valve Museum
The 6B8 was designed for signal and AGC detection and first audio amplifier stage in superhet receivers. The glass tubular version is a later development in a smaller envelope. The electrically identical 6B7 is fitted with a UX7 base cap. The grids are of wire and are supported on notched wire supports. This can be seen in the picture.
6B8 - NOS Vacuum Tubes for Sale | Tubes Unlimited
All NOS tubes types for home audio and guitar amplifiers. * 30 Day Rock Solid Warranty on ALL NOS Tubes! We test your order before shipment for world class performance and the best tone possible! Your order is 100% guaranteed for 30 days! Read more.