6BR vs 30BR - Shooters' Forum
2017年6月14日 · The 6BR beats the 30 hands down in any wind change at 300 yards. That might not matter for BR comps in stable conditions, but if constantly changing, the 30BR sees just …
6BR VS 30BR | Sniper's Hide Forum
2009年7月28日 · Which one of these chamberings are the most inherently accurate? I am looking to put together something for 100 yards club matches (group shooting) and also use it for …
30BR or 6BR? - Shooters' Forum
2009年8月27日 · I have some questions about the 30 BR. I was wondering if the 30 BR is as accurate as the 6br. and also, what is the max range? Can it shoot 600 yards very well? Do …
Guide to 6BR, 6mm BR Norma, 6mm, 30 BR cartridge, with …
Both are extremely accurate and efficient cartridges. The 6BR shares the short/fat case design and small primer hole that make the 6PPC so accurate. In 100-200yd benchrest competition, …
6 BR/Dasher vs 30 BR | Rokslide Forum
2024年2月9日 · I have a 6br so I’ll probably get a 7br and 30br when good used barrels come up. The ppc, Arc, Grendel, or BR cases all fit nicely in little actions - hard to go wrong.
6br or 30 br - Savage Shooters
2022年5月3日 · for score 30 br is THE round. Chamber up the 30br, get a fist full of Bart Sauters bullets, and find yourself a UBR match. Best score game going. Shooting one this Saturday in …
Shooting the 30BR in Competition - 6mmBR.com
When I first began score shooting competitively, I was using a 6BR that shot very well. However, some of my friends were shooting 30 X 47s in a bastardized club class called "Custom …
30BR Guide - 30 BR Benchrest Lapua Cartridge with Reloading, …
The 30BR now dominates 100, 200, and 300-yard Benchrest Score Competition. The larger .308 bullet diameter provides a clear advantage over the 22PPC and 6PPC in "best-edge" bullseye …
30BR Cartridge Guide within AccurateShooter.com
The 30BR can drive a 118gr bullet faster than the 6BR case can drive a 105gr bullet. In fact, the 30BR can push a 125gr bullet faster than a Rem 260 can drive a 123gr Scenar, despite using …
Pros and Cons of the 6 br | Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年2月19日 · I shoot 6BR and love it, so I may be a bit a little biased, but here's my rundown: Pros: Very accurate and easy to load for (105gr bullets and 30gr Varget go together like butter …