[胆机制作] 发个6C33C OTL无输出牛分体纯后级功放电路图 (可以把6C33C …
2020年3月22日 · 俄罗斯产的6C33C是一只极好的低内阻功率三极管,最适合制做OTL功率放大器。 该管内阻Rp=80欧,屏极功耗P=60W,屏极电压Ea=450V,屏极电流Ia=470-630mA,栅极电压Eg=-30V-150V, 灯丝电压Ef=6.3V/12.6V,灯丝电流If=6.6A/3.3A,放大系数=2,跨导S=26-40mA/V。
音响封神榜四十二: 神仙电子管6C33 - 矿石收音机
2016年8月23日 · 6c33c-b 及c 是台湾大神爱吹之管。中肯而论, 此俄罗斯制功率管只在近十年才开始被采用,它有几大特点: 首先是屏阻特低,一般列出的规格是100Ω,由于其特低屏阻,因此可使输出变压器的制作变得简化,自然可达至更理想的回放效果。此外,以单边一只三极管 ...
You Can DIY! A 25W OTL Tube Amplifier - audioXpress
2022年2月23日 · The obvious choice of output tube was the Russian designed 6C33C triode, because a single pair can deliver 2.5A into an 8Ω load from a moderate 150V rail. This enables the amplifier to deliver 25W into an 8Ω load or 40W into a 16Ω load, such as my full-range reflex-port loaded Lowthers.
Another take on 6C33C OTL amp - diyAudio
2017年12月28日 · It has a full explanation of his OTL patient using 6C33 tubes. His 80 watt T8 Amplifier is based on the patient and uses 6KG6/40KG6 tubes. Lots of other good info and projects in the book too.
6C33C-B OTL Amplifier - Background and OTL Circuits - Audio …
As used in the Covi Mark II Circlotron OTL, four 6C33C-B tubes generate over 100W into 4 ohms and over 125W into 8 ohms running class AB2 with a plate voltage of 145V. At the sine wave peaks, that's a real 200 W instantaneous, into 4 ohms, which means each …
6C33C单端 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered by …
2024年11月11日 · 我是做过3并6C33的OTL的,最大可以100瓦,8欧。 为了寿命,看来还是要限制屏流和控制屛耗了.....,这样6C33的优势打折了...... 所以现在6C33的成品机很少。 手中还有几个6C33C管子,想做单端。 网上有种说法:不超屏耗的前提下,6C33C的工作电压超过200V,影响寿命? 6C33C单端 ,矿石收音机论坛.
HIFIDIY论坛-“北极熊”6c33c-B电子管简介(转) - Powered by Discuz!
2008年3月21日 · 6C33C-B俄罗斯制功率管在近两三年才开始被英、法、美几国厂家采用,它本在二十多年前一宗轰动国际的新闻中已曝了光,据说当年一名前苏联飞行员,驾驶着一架当时属前苏联空军高度机密的米格25型战机(北约方面代号为"狐蝠"Foxbat),成功突破日本军方的 ...
Questions about Tim Mellow 6C33C OTL - diyAudio
Initially, I thought about using the 6C33C (single cathode) in a SET amp with a pair of 800:8-ohm transformers I have on the shelf and 6C45-PI as drivers. The amp models very nicely in SPICE, and appears to yield upwards on 10W output. And then I saw Tim Mellow's OTL... It is an intriguing design. But, I have some concerns about it.
2019年12月18日 · 我打算做測試用8支6C33C接Circlotron做OCL輸出,但用推動運放如LME49810接PP牛做推動,把6C33C胆當成石用
High Power SE 6C33C Amp - audioXpress
2018年4月28日 · The 6C33C-B is a wonderful valve: Sturdy (designed for the Soviet Migs and tanks), it has such an unbelievably beautiful low internal resistance (80−100Ω); which makes a difference during bass amplification.