6DJ8 - Wikipedia
The 6DJ8 is a miniature nine-pin medium-gain dual- triode vacuum tube. It is distinguished by its very high transconductance, mostly the result of its frame grid construction. Versions of the …
6DJ8, Tube 6DJ8; Röhre 6DJ8 ID4763, Double Triode
Tube 6DJ8 or Röhre 6DJ8 ID4763, Double Triode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6DJ8 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The design is ruggedly constructed and the 6DJ8 is the American designation. The valve is a pair of screened triodes. They are low voltage and low impedance, used for wideband amplification …
6DJ8 / 6922 / ECC88 / E88CC / CV2492 PreAmp Vacuum
Tube Depot carries a selection of 6DJ8 / 6922 / ECC88 / E88CC / CV2492 Pre Amp Vacuum Tubes. New & NOS tubes from Electro-Harmonix & other brands!
JJ Electronic - E88CC - 6922, 6DJ8
E88CC is the European Name of 6922/6DJ8. It is often used for Hi-Fi applications. It provides very smooth mids and high end with a lot of detail.
HIFIDIY论坛-再发个不错的的6DJ8前级电路、、、 - Powered by …
2015年10月25日 · hifidiy论坛-这是我正在用着的一个前级,先发个图,这段很忙,待稍后再作些补充吧、、、1、原理图2、频率特性仿真图(可看到低频部分没有衰减反而稍微有提升,这恰好 …
6DJ8 (ECC88, 6922, E88CC, CCa) Tubes in Stock
This 1968 GE 6DJ8 / ECC88 tube was made in the USA. It has gray plates and a disc getter with smoked glass. The white print on the glass has the GE logo. Tube tests as new with balanced …
6DJ8 Tubes From Brent Jessee Recording - Audiotubes.com
The 6DJ8 is a twin triode in a small 9-pin miniature glass package, with a very high transconductance for each triode unit. Well made vintage versions of this tube are quite low …
6DJ8/6922 特性実測データ - op316.com
6DJ8 (原種は7DJ8)は、そもそもカスコード接続で高周波回路に使用するために開発された低雑音低rp高gm管ですが、この低雑音低rp高gmという性質が今日の真空管オーディオ回路の要 …
用6DJ8和6N3制作靓声胆前级-接线图网 - jiexiantu.com
作者:戴洪志 6DJ8是飞利浦 (PHILIPS)公司在上个世纪60年代开发的,应用到音响放大器上音效表现颇佳,受到广泛好评。 此胆屏极工作电压较低,屏流较大,放大线性良好,处理微弱信 …