6E5, Tube 6E5; Röhre 6E5 ID2111, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle
The RCA tube 6E5 is the first Magic Eye, designed by Allen Balcom Du Mont (born Jan. 29, 1901 in Brooklyn NY, died Nov. 15, 1965 New York NY). Starting 1924 as an engineer for …
Magic eye tube - Wikipedia
In U.S. made radios, the first type issued was the type 6E5 single pie shaped image, introduced by RCA and used in their 1936 line of radios. Other radio makers used the 6E5 as well until, …
Object of the Week: RCA “Magic Eye” 6E5 Vacuum Tube
2017年9月27日 · The tube, whose technical name was electron-ray indicator, was more commonly known as a tuning indicator, and the first commercial iteration was the RCA 6E5, …
6Е5С, Tube 6Е5С; Röhre 6Е5С ID3563, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle ...
Ersetzt man eine EM4 oder EM34 durch eine 6E5C, so ist diese schon bei mittleren Signalen voll ausgesteuert, der Bereich von mittleren bis starken Signalen ist dann nicht mehr zu …
6E5GT, Tube 6E5GT; Röhre 6E5GT ID3250, Mag. Eye, 1
zeichnung 6E5 hergestellt. Dieselbe Typenbezeichnung wurde vom VEB Röhrenwerk Mühlhausen (RFT/DDR) verwendet, deren Type ist jedoch in F8 zu prüfen (USA 6-Stift-Sockel …
6E5 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The magic eye class of tuning indicator originated in the US and Type 6E5 was one of the earliest types to hit the market. Almost all European types are more-or-less directly copied from it. …
Substitutions - Magic Eye Tubes
Replacing the 6E5 with a 6G5, 6H5, or 6U5 would result in less sensitivity. Replacing with a 6AB5 or 6N5 would require lowering the plate voltage to at most 135 volts, preferably 100 volts to …
The luminous disk of 6E5 has a single line of shadow that passes 90 degrees, no signal received, a gradual closure giving a full circle on a strong station. This circular, with a cover in center, …
一款由LM3915驱动的硅代6E5C - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机 …
2021年5月23日 · 6E5C、6U5、EM34等阴极射线指示管以其绿色的动态荧光指示,深受大众喜爱,因其在电子管收音机调谐时闪动闭合,宛如顾盼生姿的眼睛,被称作“MAGIC EYE”——魔 …
6e5c到底怎么用啊? - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2012年5月24日 · 不能直接交流信号或"正"电压. 接输出要接一个几十K电阻.再整接二极管整流. 负极接6E5栅极. 栅极电压0v時阴影 ...