6E5, Tube 6E5; Röhre 6E5 ID2111, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle
The normal 6E5 is 6 pin base and "bulb" shape. The 6E5C is straight sided and octal base. So if you change the tube socket or there is space for an octal to 6 pin adaptor (by moving the …
一款由LM3915驱动的硅代6E5C - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机 …
2021年5月23日 · 6E5C、6U5、EM34等阴极射线指示管以其绿色的动态荧光指示,深受大众喜爱,因其在电子管收音机调谐时闪动闭合,宛如顾盼生姿的眼睛,被称作“MAGIC EYE”——魔 …
6e5c到底怎么用啊? - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2012年5月24日 · 前辈您指的是输入信号电压低吧? 把它接到输出变压器初级可否? 不能直接交流信号或"正"电压. 接输出要接一个几十K电阻.再整接二极管整流. 负极接6E5栅极. 栅极电压0v時 …
今天把6E5C点亮了 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2013年8月15日 · 6E1和6E5这两种寿命短,早停产了,应该珍藏哟,6E2市面上还有很多,寿命也长! 楼上正确:我的6E5C用了不到两年,现已明显变暗! 与6E1相当! 翠绿色的,很漂亮 …
6E5C, Tube 6E5C; Röhre 6E5C ID27427, LOCKED OFF PART (CODE …
Tube 6E5C or Röhre 6E5C ID27427, LOCKED OFF PART (CODE 9) - see in Notes, and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
Substitutions - Magic Eye Tubes
The Russian 6E5C €, which is often referred to as the 6E5S once translated into english, has an octal base and has nearly identical electrical characteristics as the American 6E5. In recent …
6E5C: the electron-optical indicator in work - YouTube
2012年7月2日 · Electronic lamp 6Е5С as the indicator of level of a sound. Music - a reversing track of Rammstein "Stripped". Tremendous effects with adjustment of an anode ...
Replacing the EM34 by the 6E5C - Radiomuseum
2012年2月6日 · In many cases it's possible to replace the rare and expensive eye tube EM34 by the Russian 6E5C (6e5s). (This 6E5C is an octal-base version of the American 6E5 (with UX6 …
求助,6e5c - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered by …
2021年11月27日 · 6e5好像是大六角,6e5c是大八角。 给M35朋友看一下点亮的效果。 放抽屉里也是留着,装机也是留着,还不如把它点亮了欣赏欣赏,哈哈。 是的。 留着也没啥用,只 …
6e5c - diyAudio
Cats-eye tubes like the 6e5c (8 pin version of 6e5) are simply a triode with a florescent part in them. I looked online to see if anyone had ever used as anyting other than a vu meter in an …