6EA8, Tube 6EA8; Röhre 6EA8 ID3598, Triode-Pentode
Tube 6EA8 or Röhre 6EA8 ID3598, Triode-Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Universal shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6EA8 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6EA8 is a triode pentode. This valve was made by Mullard for the American distributor IEC. The pentode is of the sharp cut-off type. The design purpose was as a triode oscillator and …
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6EA8 - Tube Data
Title: 6EA8 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2004-04-04 Created Date: 4/4/2004 12:51:32 PM
6EA8は、同種の 6U8/6U8A より2年後ぐらいの 1953~1954年頃の開発だと思われますが 6U8A とほぼ同様な特性で、使用目的も共にテレビやFM受信機の周波数変換用途が主で、その開 …
Vacuum Tube - 6EA8, Triode, Pentode | Antique Electronic Supply
The 6EA8 is a miniature tube which contains a sharp-cutoff pentode and a triode in one envelope. Each section has a separate cathode and is electrically independent. The tube is primarily …
- 评论数: 1
6EA8 and the 6CQ8 - qsl.net
The 6EA8 is a triode - pentode and the 6CQ8 is a triode - tetrode. If you are looking for a stronger tube for the mic preamp (V1) the 2 best tubes for the replacement are the 6GH8 and 6LM8.
Nostalgia Air: Tube Substitution for 6EA8
Type 6EA8 Medium Mu Triode - Sharp Cutoff Pentode MECHANICAL DATA. Basing: 9AE: ELECTRICAL DATA HEATER CHARACTERISTICS. Heater Voltage: 6.3: Volts: Heater …
6EA8 / 6U8 Sylvania / ECG Triode-Pentode Tube (NOS/NIB) - RF …
6EA8 / 6U8 Sylvania / ECG Triode-Pentode Tube (NOS) Designed to function as a triode oscillator, and pentode mixer in TV and FM radios. New Old Stock * No longer available for …
6GH8 and 6EA8 equal? - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2005年12月9日 · As I recall, the internal capacitances are a little different in between the 6gh8 and 6ea8. 6gh8's are crap, possibly the most unreliable tube ever made. 6u8s are better. I …
6EA8 / 6U8 Audio Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Purchase 6EA8 / 6U8A / ECF82 vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.