6F6G, Tube 6F6G; Röhre 6F6G ID3128, Vacuum Pentode
Tube 6F6G or Röhre 6F6G ID3128, Vacuum Pentode, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power/Output shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6F6G @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6F6G output pentode was designed for audio amplification in radio receivers. The operating values given are for single ended use with an anode load of 7,000 Ohms. If a pair are used as an audio amplifier in push pull class A, 10.5 Watts are possible with 3% distortion.
Vacuum Tube - 6F6G, Pentode, Power Amplifier
New-Old-Stock (NOS) tube. The 6F6G is a pentode amplifier designed for application in power output stages of receivers. With the exception of heater ratings, the electrical characteristics …
electron Tube Data sheets - 6 - PoC-Net
6F6G RCA (HB3) P 6F6G.pdf (63001 bytes) 6F6G Sylvania P 6F6.pdf (115114 bytes) (fr) 6F6G Tung-Sol P 6F6.pdf (235585 bytes) 6F6G Brimar P 6F6G.pdf (58096 bytes) 6F6GT : RCA (HB3) P 6F6G.pdf (63001 bytes) 6F6GT Tung-Sol P 6F6.pdf (235585 bytes) 6F6S 6 6
HIFIDIY论坛-有关6V6 KT63 6F6G区别和品牌选取的一些疑问
2022年1月4日 · hifidiy论坛-我的第二级目前用的是苏联的6n6c来调试的,经过和烧友的交流,烧友说kt63好过6v6,后来查欧美胆管资料发现kt63另一个型号是6f6g,现在弄得有点懵逼,到底是用kt63好,还是6 ...
转载一篇6F6三接单端的文章 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论 …
2022年6月20日 · 6F6是一只五极管,最初的原始管就是42号电子管。 6F6是42号的八脚封装管。 有G式(胡芦管)和GT式(直棒)以及美国铁壳管。 6F6的效率低于6V6,内阻高于6V6,输出功率标接为3.2W。 因此6V6问世后,6F6的使用量大大降低。 但6F6过载能力强,板压最高可适用达320V。 尤其是在甲乙2类推挽电路中,输出功率可达19W。 6F6三接做乙类推挽也是过去所常见的。 6F6三接单端输出功率很小,不足1W,为0.8W,所以其三接通常用于做推动放大。 这是现 …
6F6GT/G @ The Valve Museum
With 315 Volts on the anodes and operated in class A1 push pull, this valve type would generate 10 Watts with 3% distortion. The wide glass tube envelope is 28 mm in diameter and, …
HIFIDIY论坛-有关6F6G和6V6代换后如何调整参数 - Powered by …
2022年1月4日 · 自己DIY选取的是第一级WE310A,第二级KT63或6V6,第三极300B,最近搜索过不少贴子和资料,了解到5级管3接要比4级管3接更好,现在第二级 阴极电阻和输出牛的阻抗要如何选取呢? 有大师知道么? 自己DIY选取的是第一级WE310A,第二级KT63或6V6,第三极300B,最近搜索过不少贴子和资料,了解到5级管3接要比4级管3接更好,现在第二级 阴极电阻和输出牛的阻抗要如何选取呢? 有大师知道么? 我做的就是42(6f6)推300b,电路是j版给画 …
RCA USA 6F6G Smoked Glass Vacuum Tube - Reverb
1950's RCA 12au7a / Ecc82 Vacuum Tube With A Square🔲Slanted Top Getter Made In The USA 🇺🇸 Tested! View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. Smoked Glass? Yes. Engraved Base? No. Boxes Included? None.
6F6 variants - audible differences? | Audiokarma Home Audio …
2019年4月22日 · A 6F6 is a 42 on an octal base, one of many that were repurposed like that in 1936 when the "new" metal can octal tubes were intro'ed by RCA. The 6F6G is a direct lift of the shoulder bulb 42, which continued to be used into the 1940s by Philco and others instead of the octal alternatives.
6F6G PP Amplifier design - diyAudio
2024年5月7日 · The most famous 6F6 PP amp I know is the Western Electric 133A that uses input transformer to split phase and completely push-pull through out. 349A tube is their version of 6F6G. It does sound good and I prefer it over the more ubiquitous WE 124.
6F6G @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6F6G output pentode was designed for audio amplification in radio receivers. The operating values given are for single ended use with an anode load of 7,000 Ω. If a pair are used as an audio amplifier in push pull class A, 10.5 Watts are possible with 3% distortion. The equivalent type KT63 is a beam tetrode.
6F6 Tubes | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums
2008年8月13日 · 6F6 Tubes were used widely in pre war radios and smaller consoles. Ampex 350's use 6F6 tubes.....the 350's are sought after for their big fat sound. Some Legendary recordings were made using Ampex 350's. The 6F6 can be used in many 6V6 applications in my experience--provided the maximum ratings are not thus exceeded for the sub tube.
6F6 tubes - The Gear Page
2018年1月16日 · I can do a pair of 6L6 coke bottles but I can do a quad of smaller 6V6 type, which looks much more dramatic! 6V6G tubes tend to be a lot more expensive than 6F6G tubes, and since I can easily tailor the bias (fixed bias) to the 6F6G, and they seem a good deal cheaper, I've been playing with them instead.
6F6G Amplifier - diyAudio
2008年3月9日 · I've got 8 Russian 6F6G types on hand, but am prepared to try new production 6V6's as well..
6F6G RCA Vintage Radio Amplifier Vacuum Tubes 2 Valves …
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 6F6G RCA Vintage Radio Amplifier Vacuum Tubes 2 Valves Tested St Shape 6f6 6f6gt at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
6F6G | CV1911 | VT-66A by Ken-Rad - NessTone Tube Sales
Ken-Rad 6F6G | CV1911 | VT-66A NOS, never used power beam pentode tube. Beautiful ST shaped power tubes for amplification in radio, HiFi and music instrument equipment. Commonly used in single ended designs but it is great in a push-pull configuration.
International Electric 6F6G - NessTone Tube Sales
The International Electric 6F6G is a quality tube perfect for your application. It is tested using the Amplitrex AT1000, the RoeTest R9 Professional System, or a freshly calibrated and upgraded TV7-D/U.
Vacuum Tube - 6F6G, Pentode, Power Amplifier | CE Distribution
New-Old-Stock (NOS) tube. The 6F6G is a pentode amplifier designed for application in power output stages of receivers. With the exception of heater ratings, the electrical characteristics …
6F6G Power Amplifier Pentode Tube (ST Shape)
2011年2月12日 · ElectronTubeStore 6F6G Power Amplifier Pentode Tube (ST Shape) [VT-6F6G] - 6F6G pentode tube (ST-shape glass). New old stock. Tested and guaranteed 30 days. Substitutes: 6F6 EIA Base: 7S Filament Voltage: 6.3V Filament Current: 700mA Pentode Plate Voltage: 375V Pentode Plate Dissipation: 11W Pentode