6GH8A, Tube 6GH8A; Röhre 6GH8A ID4874, Triode-Pentode
Tube 6GH8A or Röhre 6GH8A ID4874, Triode-Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
6GH8 - Wikipedia
The 6GH8 (More commonly labeled as the 6GH8A [1])is a nine pin miniature vacuum tube, produced as a combination of two sections - medium-mu Triode and sharp-cutoff Pentode - in …
6GH8A @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6GH8A is a triode pentode with separate cathodes designed for television receiver use. The valve is specified for multivibrator-type line deflection oscillators and/or AGC amplifier and …
6GH8A(P-T) - etracer 製作と使用、測定
2020年5月29日 · 6gh8a(p-t):五極管部の三結 電圧増幅用三極五極管、その五極管部分の三結特性を測定。通常五結…
Vacuum Tube - 6GH8A, Triode, Pentode | Antique Electronic …
The 6GH8-A is a miniature tube which contains a sharp-cutoff pentode and a medium-mu triode. Each section has a separate cathode and is electrically independent. The pentode section is …
- 评论数: 1
7199 vs. 6GH8A - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo Discussion …
2010年3月14日 · The 6GH8A's are a set of NOS RCA and a set of NOS Japan made 6GH8A's. The Japan made tubes have no markings other than "made in Japan". They have larger plates …
いとしの真空管たち - hp1.server-shared.com
5G 6G 9GH8A は、その後のハイブリッド・テレビ (真空管と半導体の混合テレビ) の時代を経てオール半導体に移行される直前まで使われた息の長い真空管でもあります。 (写真は東 …
6GH8 @ The Valve Museum
The 6GH8 is a triode pentode designed for television receivers. The heater is rated at 6.3 Volts at 450 mA and thus can be used either parallel connected or as part of a heater chain. The …
6GH8A Amperex France - 1968 - NOS NIB - Preamp Tube - Reverb
One brand new Amperex France 6GH8A tube. Goes Great with: Test Results: Where the Triode section 4,500 Gm is minimum good and 7,000 is average new. Where the Pentode section …
Tube Sale! - 6GH8A - Radio Daze LLC
New Old Stock 6GH8A Vacuum Tube (Item: RDW-268) $5.75 $4.60. Add to Compare. Add to Wishlist. Add To Cart. Current Top Sellers. New Old Stock 6GH8A Vacuum Tube (Item: RDW …