6H9C @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6H9C is a Russian copy of the 6SL7GT and is a medium impedance double triode with high gain. The valve has twin triode sections for use as AF voltage amplifiers, phase splitters and where required as a cascade amplifier of very high gain.
6SL7代换管 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered by …
2021年6月1日 · 日美型号6SL7就是苏联型号的6H9C,二战时期美国与苏联都是同盟国,信息共享,美国援助苏联电子管制造技术与设备,战后由于意识形态不同,分道扬镳苏联把电子管命名国产化6SL7变成了6H9C同理6V6国内销售就是6П6С出口仍用6V6。 同志加兄弟的中国也是沿用苏联的型号,其实是二战美国的生产线。 61年(翻脸了)中国双标6H9C与6N9P ,1962年后国产化只标6N9P 。 总之6SL7=6H9C=6N9P 。 6H9C的参数和6SL7接近,互换使用问题不大。 6H9C的 …
Reflector 6H9C / 6SL7 Preamp Vacuum Tube - thetubestore
Order Reflector 6H9C / 6SL7 preamp vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.
6H9C Vacuum Tube Replaces 6SL7 6N9P 5691 ECC35 CV359 …
2024年10月1日 · Preamplifiers 6H9C vacuum tube replaces 6SL7 6N9P 5691 ECC35 CV359 vacuum tube precision matching
6SL7GT (R) (aka 6N9S / 6H9C) Double Triode - Tube Amp Doctor
6SL7GT (aka 6N9S / 6H9C / 6Н9П) made in Russia (NOS) equivalent with the chinese made 6N9P
Russian 6H9c / 6H7c tubes - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2017年1月19日 · 6N7S (6H7C) is equivalent to 6N7GT and is a dual triode with common cathode, (pin 1 is not connected) not at all the same as 6N9S. Attaching the datasheet for it, BTW, if looking at the Russian 6H9C, the MELZ metal base version from the 1950's that were made in the Moscow factory are very good, they shame the common Russian 6H9C.
新手装了台6h9c+6v6单端,各位师傅看看怎么样? - 〓电子管技术 …
2024年1月17日 · 4.1k对200欧的负反馈比例,可能偏深了一些,想要增益大,只好将4.1k电阻加大到10k左右试试。另外6h9c的放大倍数较小,在屏极电阻100k情况下在线放大倍数可能只有40左右。虽然加大屏极电阻可以增加放大倍数,但在后级栅极电阻的影响下增加有限。
6h9c电子管代换哪种更好 - 百度知道
2022年6月18日 · 6h9c电子管代换哪种更好6n9p。6H9C是双三极管。该管用于低频电压放大,屏压250伏,栅压 -2伏,放大因数70,内阻44千欧,屏流2.3毫安,灯丝电压6.3伏。
6h9c, russian 6sl7 - AudioCircle
The 6h9c's have a more esoteric variant that I have tried, the 1579. The plain jane 6H9C is available off of ebay for less than 5$ ea and only give up a touch of refinement to the mullards, having great sound stage and dynamics.
6h9c电子管 - 百度知道
2019年5月10日 · 6h9c电子管6Η9С为前苏联产双三极管,与国产6N9P完全相同。①脚为第一管栅极,②脚为第一管屏极,③脚为第一管阴极,④脚为第二管栅极,⑤脚为第二管屏极,⑥脚为第二管阴极,⑦⑧脚为灯丝。该管用于低频电压放大,