Is 6 lbs "tiny" for a baby? - December 2010 Babies - What to Expect
2010年12月19日 · I am ftm and never really paid much attention to how much my baby will weigh during pregnancy. She was born 6lbs and 5 ounces. Many people who see her say "gosh she is so small" or "tiny". I dunno why but it is upsetting me. I feel so guilty for god knows what! Please tell me she will be fine and she will be a chubby n healthy baby!
6lb baby :| at 35 weeks - April 2015 Babies - What to Expect
2015年2月27日 · You gain around a half pound a week at this stage so in 5 weeks baby would gain approximately 2.5 lbs, still a pretty normal sized baby ;) my first was 9 1/2 lbs at 49 weeks and my second was born 7lbs 3 oz at 37 weeks.
6lb baby :| at 35 weeks - April 2015 Babies - What to Expect
2015年2月27日 · I am 35 weeks and baby is measuring 6lbs. I know it can be off (+ or - 1lb) and I sure hope it is because I really don't want to be birthing a 10 lber. I am 5"4, and small framed. I was 123lbs prepregnancy and am up only 15 lbs. Anyone STMs get a large weight estimate during their last ultrasounds but...
6lb baby :| at 35 weeks - April 2015 Babies - What to Expect
2015年2月27日 · My best friend' baby was measuring big to the point where they induced her weeks early. He turned out to be barely 6lbs. She was pissed, of course. Her induction was not fun and her baby could've been growing and getting stronger inside of her for a few more weeks! They can definitely be wrong with predictions.
36 Weeks, approx. 6lb baby. Is this big? - What to Expect
2021年2月2日 · FTM. Did an ultrasound and my OB said my baby is measuring about 6lbs. He says the baby is normal range but measuring about a week and a half big. He also wants me to get an induction (I’ve had slightly elevated blood pressure throughout my pregnancy) which is the reason why he wants me to be induced.
6 pound baby at 33 weeks. Please help - What to Expect
2020年5月11日 · A big baby isn't necessarily a reason to have a c section. you don't have to do it just because your doctor advises it if you don't want to. ultrasounds can be off quite a bit for weight. my sister in law was told her baby was going to be barley 4 pounds and she ended up being 2oz shy of 10 pounds when she was born.
6lb baby :| at 35 weeks - April 2015 Babies | Forums | What to …
2015年2月27日 · I am 35 weeks and baby is measuring 6lbs. I know it can be off (+ or - 1lb) and I sure hope it is because I really don't want to be birthing a 10 lber. I am 5"4, and small framed. I was 123lbs prepregnancy and am up only 15 lbs. Anyone STMs get a large weight estimate during their last ultrasounds but...
37 weeks 6lb 8oz baby - November 2018 Babies - What to Expect
2018年10月27日 · At 36wks 4 days this baby was 6lb 15 and tracking on the 50th percentile so I don’t think that’s too bad! Smaller than my last who was measured at 8lb 6 at 36wks (though she was born at 38wks measuring 8lb 1!)
If your baby weighed around 6lb 14oz at birth
2023年12月19日 · My first baby followed a similar trajectory your baby is on, though. Was 6 lbs 8 oz at birth (20 something percentile), dropped to 9th in the few months after birth and rode that 9th-13th curve for a while. She’ll be 3 in March and is currently 17th percentile in weight. Ultimately, don’t freak out too much about the weight.
34 weeks and baby already weighs 6lbs! - What to Expect
2015年8月20日 · My daughter was 8.14 and they are saying this one will be 9-10lbs. I am very petite too and delivered vaginally with no tearing. Sometimes the bigger babies are easier. Plus I loved having a bigger baby from the beginning. I hold 6lb …