6mmAR load data | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年10月29日 · I prefer to keep the 6mm Grendel load cheap and considered the 105 match burners as a possible bullet to buy in bulk ($27 per 100). ideally I want less then a mil drop out to 300 (coyote gun), but I think a 22 Grendel will fulfill that need.
6mm AR15 cartridge options | Sniper's Hide Forum
2019年9月22日 · the 6mm ar turbo based on the grendel case or a 6mm-6.8 spc (valkyrie brass would likely be the easier to form route these days dependent on quality) are going to offer some of the best performance from the platform aside from going to a 243 wssm.
6MM Remington on AR Lower | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年1月16日 · Anyone ever build an AR that shoots 6mm Remington. I have been a fan of the 6mm rem for awhile, and have lots of brass, dies, etc. I have been looking at the .243's but really don't to gear up for another round if I could have one chambered in 6mm. I was looking for a project, and am looking...
IS 6MM AR THE SAME AS A 6X45? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2012年3月24日 · re: is 6mm ar the same as a 6x45? the 6x45 is a necked up 223/556 great for shooting light bullets with a decent velocity. The 6mmAR is a very specialized and very different cartridge.
New 6mm Advanced Rifle Cartridge | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年3月13日 · For a real, heavier long range package, something with better external ballistics like the 6mm AR or even stepping up to a larger platform with the 6 or 6.5 CM makes more sense to me. The 6.5 G and 6.8 SPC are very, very, very similar if one's good for something, the other is going to be fairly decent as well.
6mm in a ar15 platform | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年10月20日 · Here is what I am thinking. I would like to build a AR15 in a 6MM. Which are the best performing 6mm cartridge that works in the AR15. Not really looking to build a AR10. I will be using this rifle for a local precision longrange tactical match. I will have to have 6mm caliber so I can compete...
6mm Ar turbo/predator starting loads with varget - Sniper's Hide
2019年2月5日 · Hey guys, after finishing my 6mm ar, I was wondering if anyone has any load data for 6mm ar turbo/243 lbc or 6mm predator. I found plenty of data for xbr 8208 and rl 15 but at the moment I only have mr2000, varget and h4350. …
Anyone Regret It? Also considering 22 ARC - Sniper's Hide
2023年11月12日 · I don't have one in an AR, but I have a 16.5" bolt-action 6mm ARC and I really like the little cartridge. I was a diehard 6.5 Grendel fan since the very beginning of its existence in the very early 2000's. But I was skeptical about the 6mm ARC because I am not a 6mm fan, but I also had no idea that companies were offering 110-115gr 6mm bullets now.
6mm AR barrels | Sniper's Hide Forum
2010年8月25日 · 6mm AR was really easy to reload-- not finicky at all in finding good loads and the accuracy nodes seem pretty wide. I'd assume 6mm ARC would be about the same. The SD and Extreme Spread were low compared to other AR15 cartridges I load (don't ask about my experience with the 224 Valkyrie she-devil - that was the definition of finicky).
Recommendations for 6mm ARC barrel | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年10月31日 · I am wanting to finish a medium range AR-15 in 6mm ARC. Leaning towards getting a custom Bartlein barrel spun up. Might shoot suppressed with a TBAC 30CB9. Looking for recommendations on barrel length, profile, etc. What is working well for you?