6N1P - Wikipedia
The 6N1P (Russian: 6Н1П) is a Russian -made miniature 9-pin medium gain double triode vacuum tube intended for use as a line audio amplifier and cathode driver.
6N1P Tube Guide: Datasheet, Specifications and Equivalents
The 6N1P tube is a dual triode vacuum tube commonly used in audio applications. Developed in USSR, it’s highly regarded for its sonic performance and robustness. It is often compared to Western tubes like the 6922 and 12AX7 but has its own unique characteristics that make it a preferred option for high-fidelity audio circuits.
6Н1П, Tube 6Н1П; Röhre 6Н1П ID18834, Double Triode
Die statischen Messwerte der 6N1P sind hervorragend und besser als jede neue ECC85 die ich bis jetzt gemessen haben. 2. Leider scheinen die Kapazitätsverhältnisse nicht ganz identisch …
【原创☆首发】实测 国产“万能管”6N1 特性曲线 - 〓电子管资料区 …
May 27, 2012 · 6N1 (苏联的6H1π )蓝本是 欧洲的ECC85,但这里 加入了许多政治因素,因为要“彰显社会主义优越性并使之表现在苏维埃的方方面面”,所以 造出来的东西必须优于欧美的。 苏联的工程师 伤透了脑筋,想把 ECC85、ECC81(12AT7)、ECC82(12AU7)这三种管子的优点集中在一起创造一种 “超级万能管”,可是无论如何都是首尾难顾,俗话说 鲍鱼、熊掌不可兼得也就是这个道理。 最后他们不得不向客观规律妥协,还是以80%ECC85的血统为蓝本 设计制造了 …
6DJ8 vs 6N1P (6H1N) - diyAudio
Sep 27, 2009 · 6N1P ~= 6922 (with less Gm anyway) in plate voltage ratings. Often it is subbed for a 6DJ8 in many apps and can work well there. But if the goal is say a phono input stage or mic stage, a 6DJ8 will outperform, if run at high Ia to take advantage of the high Gm (which most designs don't). 6N1P is a gorgeous, clean, clear sounding tube. I like it 🙂.
6N1P @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
Н is equivalent to EN and П is equivalent to PE. This exhibit is a Russian military specification low frequency double triode. It has an electrostatic screen connected to pin 9 and the heaters of each triode are internally connected in parallel. The anode dissipation is 2.2 Watts.
Sovtek 6N1P Preamp Vacuum Tube - TubeDepot.com
The Sovtek 6N1P is used as the driver tube by Audio Research in their VS55 and VS110 amps. They are similar to the 6DJ8 except that the 6N1P has a higher heater current.
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6N1P - Tube Data
6N1P - Tube Data ... 6N1P
HIFIDIY论坛-对传统老胆6N1的几点认识 - Powered by Discuz!
Aug 5, 2008 · 6N1是我国传统的双三极管,标准小九脚玻壳封装(即花生管,指形管,MT管),普遍在收音机功放机中担任电压放大和倒相。 目前市面上主要有封闭式屏极和开放式屏极两种,与6N1属于同一系列的还有6N1M(专用于高频信号的放大),据手册上介绍可用ECC81,ECC82,12AT7,6240G,6H1n代换。 目前国内胆机运用较少,但是在前苏联早期的机器中电压放大多用此管,其基本数据如下: 6N1最适于用在SRPP线路中,虽然输入范围不大但是其 …
Difference between 6N1P and 6N23P? - diyAudio
Apr 13, 2015 · 6N1P is electrically very close, if not fully identical to ECC40. The 6N1P has conventional, wound grids; the 6N23P (based on the Philips ECC88) has frame grids. I personally like the sound of the 6N1P better than the frame grid tubes. If the heater supply can handle it, I like to replace the 6DJ8/ECC88 tubes with the 6N1P.