Six N. Five | Ezequiel Pini's Art studio creating Imaginary realities.
Ezequiel Pini, aka Six N. Five, is a designer and digital artist known for his innovative and pioneering use of 3D technologies. For more than a decade, Pini's art has created surreal, dreamlike worlds and poetic compositions that transcend traditional boundaries.
New York, NY (6N5) - Atlantic Aviation
Located on Manhattan's waterfront – on the East River at 34th street - Atlantic Aviation 6N5 is right in the heart of the bustling "capital of the world." Landing by helicopter at Atlantic 6N5 offers an awe-inspiring view - and your experience only gets better from there.
6N5 East 34th Street Heliport - AirNav
2025年2月20日 · Complete aeronautical information about East 34th Street Heliport (New York, NY, USA), including location, runways, taxiways, navaids, radio frequencies, FBO information, fuel prices, sunrise and sunset times, aerial photo, airport diagram.
Six N. Five - Creator in Spain - Behance
Six N. Five is the studio of Ezequiel Pini’s work, an award-winning Argentinian designer and digital artist based in Barcelona Over the last decade, Pini has pioneered the use of 3D to create imaginary, dreamlike worlds with his signature clean, modern aesthetic, making Six N. Five one of today’s most recognized digital artists.
HIFIDIY论坛-廉价的低内阻三级管6N5应用 - Powered by Discuz!
5 天之前 · 6N5我反复搞了几种电路,包括了推挽、SRPP、单端、并联单端。最后个人从功率、能耗、音色几个方面觉得还是并联单端比较好。机器做好了,听了下感觉过得去。6N5本来就是个电压调整管,做功率放大的不多。但这东西个头大,Y的灯丝功耗也大。[img] [/img]
6N5, Tube 6N5; Röhre 6N5 ID3252, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle
Tube 6N5 or Röhre 6N5 ID3252, Mag. Eye, 1 shadow angle, 6-Pin-Base U6A, old, USA and Indication shown. Radio tubes are valves.
给院长版主出个题 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
2024年12月15日 · 要想发挥6N5P的深层价值,推动电路比 我们以往常见的 2A3、300B、211都难,打个比方说,做一台全功率的6N5P推挽,付出的辛苦和工作量 与做一台845 管AB类推挽 是一样的。 我们需要峰峰值大于300V的推动电压,如果算上负反馈的减增益作用,至少要峰峰值大于350V。 如果用升压型推动牛 做升压推动,又失去了 普通爱好者普及的意义。 之前有人出过推挽电路,楼主可以参考一下。 要想发挥6N5P的深层价值,推动电路比 我们以往常 2A3、300B …
大家对6N5P和6N13P这两种管子感兴趣吗? - 矿石收音机
2010年1月18日 · 一只6n5就可以做一台2x3瓦的单端机,音色与四级管与五级管有天壤之别。 初听时感觉声音直白,其实是保持了原汁原味。 比4极5极管的谐波失真小得多。
关于6n5p的看法 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered …
2005年11月7日 · 6N5P本身是一个低内阻、低电压、大电流的三极管。 与其它电子管不同,飞利浦手册没有给出它的音频放大典型应用参数。 可以知道几个参数:内阻300欧、跨导6.5毫安每伏特、放大倍数2、最大屏极损耗13瓦特。 和传统的直热功率放大三极管比较,它的单管屏极损耗有些小。 2A3的屏极损耗15瓦、UX250的屏极损耗20瓦、WE300A的屏极损耗30瓦。 但是它的电流却要比上述这些管子大许多,这样就决定,这个管子必须工作在比较低的屏极电压下,事实也正 …
6N5.5-1D - Yuasa Battery, Inc.
Check out the reliable, high-quality 6N5.5-1D Battery. When you need power, you need Yuasa Battery. Find a local dealer today!