谈谈静电耳放的设计与制作 - 耳机网
2015年4月23日 · 我们可以发现,无论是在输出电流还是输出电压,12au7和12bh7的性能都不次于6s4a,12au7对于输入电压的要求比6s4a还要略低一点。 而且以上应用条件均未超过12AU7的极限值(参考GE 12AU7A官方参数),何况12AU7的灯丝功耗仅为6S4A的一半。
2018年4月13日 · 我从国内的一位烧友那里买了一个6s4a,再把偏压调好,插上sigma声音很赞,多谢大神帮忙。
kgst - Page 7 - Do It Yourself - www.Head-Case.org
2013年10月12日 · If it helps at all, I was able to get a matched quad of 6s4a for $32 from http://vacuumtubes.net. They seem to be one of the few places with a large enough stock to do any matching Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mjolnir Audio electrostatic amps - Head-Fi.org
2015年5月26日 · On the KGST you can just use 6S4A’s and only them, on the KGDT you can use many of the larger 9 pin dual triodes. The amp was designed around the ECC99/12BH7A and the 6N6pi/6CG7 but others will work assuming they have similar specs and the same pinout.
kgst - Do It Yourself - www.Head-Case.org
2013年10月12日 · Marc drew it up (or had it drawn up, can't remember) back in the day and it's basically the front end off the SRM-007t coupled to a CCS loaded quad of 6S4A's. I modified the boards to turn them into a KGST so just one tube per phase and a simple 10M90 ccs.
Amplifiers for electrostatic headphones – Mjölnir-Audio
The KGST uses the tube in a more traditional nature but with the same constant current source as the BHSE. The tubes used are the 6S4A and they handle the output directly with no extra stages needed.
6s4A kgst stax 静电耳放 很经典的板子,相对另-Taobao - 淘寶
外几个kgss好做不少,只有耳放板的参考电路图,另有12bh7版kgdt,合适就买,只是pcb的价格。 这价格只是板子价,不做也不包含任何技术支持,没能力做的自己去花个万八千的购买成品。 静电高压有一定风险,买家请注意安全,菜鸟慎入,逗比勿扰。 看好下手,签收24小时后不退换。 欢迎来到淘宝网选购6s4A kgst stax 静电耳放 很经典的板子,相对另, 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、由商家提供退换货 …
简单谈谈kgsshv与kgsshvcarbon - 百度贴吧
二者结构区别 :sshv多了一级射级输出器,射级输出器带来的好处还是有的 输出阻抗降低,输出内阻的降低提高了阻尼系数 就是控制力变好了,当然这方面其实sshv占得优势不大,因为反馈已经降低了不少输出阻抗,所以在carbon里就被砍了。 失真与线性,carbon的输出管1000170d 线性用凄惨来形容不为过,非常怀疑这个大静态电流起的作用只是为了提高线性水平,4686 sshv的输出管,线性还算过得去,这表现在失真方面 carbon失真高达0.2% sshv是0.04% ps 很多胆机号 …
Closed: PD: HeadInClouds KGST Valve eStat amp - Head-Fi.org
2024年12月2日 · The Kevin Gilmore circuit is a hybrid with SS front end including low noise matched fet input with an output stage of 6S4a vacuum triode tube. The tubes are fed by SS current sources providing the current of 10mA. This is not done in Stax amplifiers and in this KG design most of the supply current is available to drive the ES phones.
Sold: Mjolnir KGST STAX electrostatic headphone …
Selling a Mjolnir (Spritzer) built STAX KGST electrostatic amplifier, a fantastic sounding amplifier. Included are 4 Sylvania 6S4A matched quad replacement tubes and 4 NOS RCA 6S4A tubes (total of 8 spare vacuum tubes). The amp supports both 115V and 230V but needs to be configured by removing AC plug cover and flipping a red insert.
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