6v6 PP UL bias point - diyAudio
2020年9月28日 · This article does extensive testing of 6V6 SE UL showing optimum bias points at a range of B+ voltages. Optimization of the 6V6 SE-UL | Cascade Tubes Steve
6V6 PP AMP - tomo.fine.to
過去211、300B等一通りメジャーな球を使ったアンプを依頼いただいております。 今回は、オーディオ機器の展示会で鳴っていた6V6プッシュプルアンプの音が印象的で忘れられないと …
6V6 or 6AQ5 PP integrated amp w/CCS - diyAudio
2017年6月27日 · The 5902 has an absolute maximum plate voltage rating of 165V, an absolute maximum screen voltage rating of 155V, and an absolute maximum plate power rating of …
anyone tryed 6V6 pp ultra linear - diyAudio
My own design and build amp is a push pull 6V6 Guitar Amp using a 6SL7 Cathodyne (Concertina) splitter. Ultralinear is switchable. I used this output tranny. Note tranny is 10K …
DIY Push-Pull (PP) 6V6 / 6V6GT Tube Amplifier Schematic
2009年12月21日 · This 6V6 amp was built following the push-pull (PP) EL84 / 6V6 Dynaco A-410 output transformer schematic. There are a few minor deviations from the original schematics.
HIFIDIY论坛-6V6 PP - Powered by Discuz!
2005年3月11日 · 聴過最好聲的6V6推挽是LANGVIN的130,電路非常簡單。 1楼的图,大致差不多,调整更好。 2楼的图,相当于买了一套启动程序在供应方手里的反导系统。 原先的推挽机, …
HIFIDIY论坛-6V6 PP 推挽电路集-多图 - Powered by Discuz!
2012年4月6日 · 胆机以简洁至上,而且符合手头所有,因此乍一看,的确不错,仔细分析,不难看出,所有图中漏洞百出,我不细说,希望真心看电路的童鞋指出,这样大家也共勉。 也许这 …
6v6 Push Pull Amp Schematic - circuitdiagram.co
2020年1月12日 · Enter the 6V6 Push Pull Amp Schematic! This innovative amplifier circuit harnesses the classic sound of a 6V6 power tube while providing more headroom and greater …
6V6 Pushpull Calss AB Tube Mono Amp. - Instructables
The components in this circuit will never produce 25 watts and is much more expensive than the 10 watt output transformer. If you decide to replace the 6V6 tubes with 6L6 tubes this …
Build This Simple Push-Pull 6V6 Amp - Antique Radio Forums
2013年10月4日 · When I was 13, my dad and I built this simple push-pull amp circuit from an article in the January 1958 issue of Popular Electronics. Phase inversion takes place …