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FNSS Pars - Wikipedia
PARS III 6×6 Wheeled armoured combat vehicle : The PARS III 6×6 has been developed with a special emphasis on mobility, protection, payload, and growth potential. It is equipped with cutting edge armoured vehicle technologies to obtain performances and durability answering modern armies’ operational requirements.
PARS III 6x6 Wheeled Armoured Combat Vehicle (WACV) - FNSS
The PARS III 6x6 is capable of manoeuvring on a 60% vertical and a 30% side slope, climbing 0.7 meters high obstacles and crossing 1.75 meters wide trenches. Thanks to its unique design with its powerpack location and optimal weight balance, the …
The PARS IV 6x6 S-Ops Vehicle provides an unmatched optimum combination of the survivability of an MRAP and the tactical mobility of a wheeled armoured combat vehicle. The vehicle’s high level of ballistic, mine and IED protection along with the RPG net is designed to protect the crew and the powerpack against unconventional threats where the ...
PARS SCOUT 6x6 SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE(SPV) Technical Specifications. OVERVIEW; TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS; VARIANTS; PHOTOS; GENERAL. Power-to-weight Ratio. 20 Hp/ton. Length < 7.5 m. Width < 3 m. Height Hull Roof < 2.5 m. Air Transportation.
Pars III 6x6 - Army Guide
PARS III 6X6 is the new generation wheeled armored combat vehicle (WACV) designed and developed by FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.Ş. PARS III 6X6 has been developed with a special emphasis on mobility, protection, payload and growth potential.
土耳其PARS 6x6(豹)装甲运兵车 - 哔哩哔哩
网络PARS 6X6 由土耳其军用车辆制造商FNSS与美国通用汽车公司联合研发并采用模块化设计,该战车家族包括PARS 4x4 PARS 6x6 PARS 8x8,PARS 6x6 战车动力由水冷柴油发动机和全自动变速箱组成,最高行驶速度可达 100 公里/小时,完全独立的液压气动悬挂系统使其具有优秀的 ...
FNSS secures Pars Alpha serial production order for the TLF
2025年2月28日 · The Pars Alpha is air-transportable by a wide range of airlifters, such as the A400M, C-17 Globemaster, C-5 Galaxy, An-124 and Il-76. An initial 25 Pars Alpha wheeled armoured vehicles have been ordered for the Turkish Land Forces under the New Generation Vehicles Program, but ultimately over 2,000 vehicles could be acquired.
PARS III 6x6 FNSS - Army Recognition
2024年6月5日 · The PARS III 6x6 has been developed with a special emphasis on mobility, protection, payload, and growth potential. The vehicles are equipped with the latest designs and cutting-edge technologies with a focus on the performance and durability of modern military operational requirements.
PARS 6x6 - Army Recognition
2024年7月20日 · The PARS 6x6 is motorized with a EURO 3 Diesel engine with a power of 482 hp. coupled to a fully automatic transmission with 6 forward and 1 reverse gears. An important feature of PARS is its very high mobility that comes from its newly developed active pneumatic independent suspension system.