Very confused: Oil options for ZF 6HP19 Auto Trans
2012年4月17日 · So the more I read about oil for the ZF transmission in my BMW 335i (6HP19) the more I get confused. I drained out the stock stuff awhile ago and put in Mercon SP. I want to change the oil again but am not sure what to go with. BMW states to use Shell Shell M-1375.4, and ZF says to use Lifeguard 6. Fair enough if they were easy to find a not ...
ZF 6HP19 Fluid Change Questions - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2016年8月16日 · If you aren't experiencing any of the typical trans issues or leaking from the mech sleeve, I would only change the fluid and filter. My thinking is this: The rubber bits (there are 4 mech sleeves, 1 rectangular sleeve) between the valve body and the trans, and they do get hard and leak, but they don't damage anything when they start to go bad ...
How to Properly Refill the ZF 6HP19/21 Transmission
2017年3月13日 · Just had my trans fluid + filter/pan done and was told specifically NOT to reset adaptations. The prescribed ZF learning procedure is pretty difficult to do unless you've got a lot of open road or a dyno handy, too. xHP recommends the same: https://www.facebook.com/xhpflashto...-controlsince-the-launch-of/1923761651273188/
Note: ZF recommends the use of LifeGuardFluid 6 for optimal performance. Car must stand level on the _hoist. The driven wheels or the _transmission output must be at _a standstill for at least two _minutes before checking the _oil level. _according to the car _manufactuerer's instructions. Apply the handbrake. _emergency program.
E60 6HP19/21 transmission oil choice - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2011年12月14日 · The indy says $625 if I bring my own fluid. This price includes the original pan/filter/gasket/o-ring and a set of new pan bolts. Also diff fluid change is included and I will use Motul gear 300 75-90w there. You are correct that I could have just gone with a fluid change but I tend to over maintain the cars that I love.
RAVENOL ATF 6 HP Fluid was developed for use in the newly developed 6HP-series transmission of ZF 6HP19, 6HP21, 6HP26, 6HP28, 6HP32, 6HP34, also for 5-motion automatic transmission 5HP-series.
BMW ZF 6HP Fluid and Filter Service Guide - Bimmers.com
2021年8月25日 · Over time, the entire BMW community has realized that the best option for a ZF 6HP transmission is ZF’s own Lifeguard-6 fluid. This particular product was formulated specifically for these transmissions. There are also BMW-specific AT fluids out there, which are also compatible as they’re produced following the same specs.
To read out transmission oil temperature and engine speed, connect an appropriate diagnostic unit. Start engine. Check idle speed: 650-950 rpm. Follow the instructions issued by the vehicle manufacturer. Idle speed OK? Test drive: bring transmission oil …
ZF 6HP19/21 Repair: DIY Guide & PDF Manual
The ZF 6HP19/6HP21 repair manual emphasizes the critical role of transmission fluid in the proper functioning and longevity of the transmission; This section provides precise specifications for the type of fluid required, typically a high-performance synthetic ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid) meeting specific ZF recommendations.
Gearbox ZF 6HP19: specifications, gear ratios, oil
The 6-speed automatic transmission ZF 6HP19 was produced in Germany from 2002 to 2013 and was installed on many rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive models of the BMW concern as GA6HP19Z. This transmission is found on Audi and Volkswagen cars under the designations 0AT or 09L. 6HP family: 6HP19, 6HP26, 6HP32, 6HP21, 6HP28. Specifications