FOUND 6R7 tube - Antique Radio Forums
Dec 24, 2020 · Looking to purchase a known good (tested) 6R7 tube.
Hallicrafters SX 16 Project advice needed - Antique Radio Forums
Aug 24, 2021 · I would pull the first audio tube, the 6R7, and check it's B+ that way. If it is still 27 V then obviously something still in the radio is the culprit. It might be safer to Ohm the B+ to …
Hallicrafters S-11 Tube Voltages?? - Antique Radios
6R7 - mine *looked* OK but had some strange heater leakage to the diodes that was hard to touble-shoot. Showed up as ac hum on the audio. Final decision was done by using a socket …
Silent BC-342 Receiver - Antique Radio Forums
Dec 15, 2005 · Hi - Another in my inherited collection is a BC-342 receiver (built in power supply). Things appear to have been opened up (occasional missing screws on cove…
1937 Motorola 12y-1 floor radio - Antique Radio Forums
May 30, 2016 · Of the tubes in your radio, the 6R7 (AVC rectifier and amp), 6B8 (1st IF) and 5X4 (rectifier) weren't as commonly used as the other tubes, so they may be a little harder to find, …