7.62×39mm - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7.62×39毫米步枪弹,在北约国家也称7.62毫米苏联弹(7.62 Soviet)或.30口径俄制短弹(.30 Russian Short),是前苏联于1944年研发的中间型威力枪弹,與北約標準7.62×51mm NATO相比,威力較低,起初為SKS設計,戰後並且使用於包括AK在內的許多蘇聯及俄國系統的槍械。
7.62×39mm - Wikipedia
The 7.62×39mm (also called 7.62 Soviet, formerly .30 Russian Short) [5] round is a rimless bottlenecked intermediate cartridge of Soviet origin. The cartridge is widely used due to the global proliferation of the AK-47 rifle and related Kalashnikov-pattern rifles, the SKS semi-automatic rifle, and the RPD / RPK light machine guns.
7.62×39mm - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7.62×39毫米步枪弹,在北约国家也称7.62毫米苏联弹(7.62 Soviet)或.30口径俄制短弹(.30 Russian Short),是前苏联于1944年研发的中间型威力枪弹,与北约标准7.62×51mm NATO相比,威力较低,起初为SKS设计,战后并且使用于包括AK在内的许多苏联及俄国系统的枪械。
7.62×39mm - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
7.62×39公釐步槍彈,在北約國家也稱7.62公釐蘇聯彈(7.62 Soviet)或.30口徑俄制短彈(.30 Russian Short),是前蘇聯於1944年研發的中間型威力槍彈,與北約標準7.62×51mm NATO相比,威力較低,起初為SKS設計,戰後並且使用於包括AK在內的許多蘇聯及俄國系統的槍械。
世界主流军用弹药科普(3)——7.62*39mm M43 - 哔哩哔哩
于是,人们习惯上认为的7.62*39mm弹药诞生了。 另外,该弹弹芯由软钢包裹铅制成,这是为了利用生产7.62*25mm托卡列夫手枪弹的旧机器设备而不是增加破片。 新弹药被称为7.62PS,S指& #34;钢零件&# 34;,GRAU编号为57-N-231S。 一发7.62PS弹,对比上面那个曳光弹可以清楚看出弹头流线型的区别. 57-N-231S使用一种双金属弹壳,在1960年代,一种涂漆钢弹壳被发明,使用这种弹壳的被称为57-N-231SL,但是后来为了简化术语,57-N-231又被用来指代所有钢芯苏 …
7.62x39mm Ammo for Sale at Great Prices - Palmetto State Armory
Palmetto State Armory offers premium 7.62x39mm ammo at exceptional prices, making us your trusted online destination for reliable ammunition. With an extensive selection and fast shipping, we ensure you have the best ammo to meet all your shooting needs.
Calibers for Beginners: The Complicated Case of 7.62x39mm
2023年3月5日 · As to the 7.62×39: One of the reasons for the AK’s legendary reliability is this cartridge. Look at how steeply the case walls of the cartridge taper from the base to the shoulder. That aids in extraction significantly, especially in a dirty chamber. Reply
7.62x39步枪子弹 - 百度百科
7.62x39步枪子弹,镀铜钢质被覆,大型低碳钢心蕊,少量的铅于被覆与心蕊之间。 研发于二次大战,为SKS设计,战后并且使用于包括AK-47在内的许多俄国系统的枪械。
What caliber is a 7.62×39 compared to? - TheGunZone
2024年2月18日 · What caliber is a 7.62×39 compared to? A 7.62×39 cartridge is comparable in size to a .30 caliber round. What is the effective range of a 7.62×39? The effective range of a 7.62×39 cartridge is typically around 400 yards. Is this article helpful to you? What firearms can use a 7.62×39 round?
7.62 X 39mm Rifles for Sale - Buds Gun Shop
Browse our 7.62 X 39mm Rifles on BudsGunShop.com. We offer the largest selection of Rifles and our everyday low prices making shopping easy.