7.92×57mm Mauser - Wikipedia
In the first half of the 20th century, the 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge was one of the world's most popular military cartridges. In the 21st century, it is a popular civillian sport and hunting …
7.92×57毫米毛瑟彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7.92×57毫米毛瑟弹 (7.92×57mm Mauser),也称 8毫米毛瑟弹 (8mm Mauser)、 8×57mm 或 8×57 IS,为原产于 德意志帝国 的军用 步枪子弹,在 第一 和 第二次世界大戰 期間主要用於 德 …
7.92x57mm 步枪弹 由德国"步枪测试委员会" (G.P.K. Gewehr Prüfungs-kommission) 设计, 最早应用于委员会M1888型 步枪, 后被 毛瑟步枪 采用 (7.92mm步枪弹也因此扬名). 最初应用 …
7.92×57毫米毛瑟弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7.92×57毫米毛瑟弹 (7.92×57mm Mauser),也称 8毫米毛瑟弹 (8mm Mauser)、 8×57mm 或 8×57 IS,为原产于 德意志帝国 的军用 步枪子弹,在 第一 和 第二次世界大战 期间主要用于 德 …
8mm毛瑟弹 (7.92x57mm) ——〖枪炮世界〗
8×57 J枪弹的弹头直径其实是8.1mm,而7.92mm或7.9mm均是指枪膛的阳线直径。 8×57 J枪弹为无凸缘瓶形弹壳,伯尔丹式底火,发射一个重227格令(14.8g)的钝圆头弹头,枪口初速大约 …
7.92×57mm Mauser | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 7.92×57mm Mauser (designated as the 8mm Mauser or 8×57mm by the SAAMI [2] and 8 × 57 IS by the C.I.P.[3]) is a rimless bottlenecked rifle cartridge. The 7.92×57mm Mauser …
What caliber is 7.92mm? | [March Updated] - TheGunZone
2024年2月18日 · What caliber is 7.92mm? 7.92mm is commonly known as 8mm Mauser, which is a rifle cartridge used in many firearms. What is the history of the 7.92mm caliber? The 7.92mm …
What Caliber is 7.92 mm? - Concealed Carry Insider
2023年8月20日 · The 7.92 mm caliber, also known as 8 mm Mauser or 8x57mm, is a rimless bottlenecked rifle cartridge that was developed in Germany in the late 19th century. The 7.92 …
7.92×57mm Mauser - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The 7.92×57mm Mauser, aka 8mm Mauser round is a German bullet first used in the G98 Mauser rifle. Other German rifles chambered (Size of the bullet the gun can take) in 7.92×57mm …
鉴赏:二战著名枪弹——7.92×57mm Mauser(毛瑟)步枪弹 - 哔哩 …
最早设计于1888年的7.92×57mm Mauser步枪弹,从打响武昌起义的第一枪开始,7.92毛瑟步枪弹便活跃在中国的战场上,广泛应用于中国战场上的主力装备(汉阳造 卅节式重机枪 捷克轻机 …
In Stock 7.92x57 Mauser Ammunition - AmmoBuy
Find in stock 7.92x57mm mauser ammo from the top online retailers to find the lowest price. Find Bulk 7.92x57 mauser ammunition fast and cheap with our ammunition search engine.
7.92×33mm Kurz - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7.92×33毫米短彈 (德語: 7.92×33 mm Kurz)是 纳粹德国 在 第二次世界大战 期间推出的一款 步枪 子弹,主要为 StG44突击步枪 使用,是世界上第一款投入实战的 中间型威力枪弹。
What Caliber Is A 7 92 Mm Bullet? - Concealed Carry Insider
2023年8月19日 · 7.92 mm bullets generally exhibit good ballistic performance, owing to their relatively high velocity and projectile weight. This combination contributes to excellent terminal …
7.92×57mm Mauser | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The 7.92×57mm Mauser was the first smokeless powder cartridge with a rimless case adopted by a military power. It was developed by the German Empire in 1888 for the Gewehr 88 rifle. The …
Handloads: An Easy-Recoiling 8 mm Mauser - American Rifleman
2022年4月5日 · Most Americans identify it simply as the 8 mm Mauser, but it has also been referred to as 7.92x57 mm Mauser, 8x57 mm Mauser, 8x57 mm JS and 8x57 mm S. To …
German WW2 7.92mm Headstamps - Stephen Taylor, WW2 Relic …
2020年6月19日 · The 7.92×57mm Mauser is a rimless bottle-necked rifle cartridge, produced by a number of different countries and first adopted by the German Empire in 1903-1905. It is such …
Hakim rifle - Wikipedia
The Hakim rifle is a gas-operated semi-automatic rifle. It was originally designed in Sweden by Erik Eklund and produced as the Ag m/42 for the Swedish Army. The tooling and design were …
7.92×33mm Kurz | Gun Wiki | Fandom
It is currently manufactured by the Prvi Partizan factory in Užice, Serbia. Reloadable cartridge cases can be produced by resizing and trimming 7.62×51mm NATO casings, and Hornady …
7.9x57 (8mm mauser) ammo differences | The Firearms Forum
2013年3月27日 · In Europe it is the 7.92x57. Here it is the 8x57. Same thing. Also, in Europe, there is the 7.92x57J and the 7.92x57JS. These use different bullet sizes. The J uses a .318 …
German MG-34 Machine gun 7.92 mm Mauser | Rock Island …
Fine condition overall with 85% of the wartime blued finish overall showing even, honest wear; handling and wartime use over the years. Mechanically excellent.
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