7.92×57mm Mauser - Wikipedia
The 7.92×57mm Mauser (designated as the 8mm Mauser or 8×57mm by the SAAMI [2] and 8 × 57 IS by the C.I.P. [3]) is a rimless bottlenecked rifle cartridge. The 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge was adopted by the German Empire in 1903–1905, and was the German service cartridge in both World Wars. In the first half of the 20th century, the 7.92× ...
7.92x57mm步枪弹 - 百度百科
7.92x57mm步枪弹由德国"步枪测试委员会" (G.P.K. Gewehr Prüfungs-kommission) 设计, 最早应用于委员会M1888型步枪, 后被毛瑟步枪采用(7.92mm步枪弹也因此扬名). 最初应用于M1888步枪时称为 M/88 7.92x57mm I (I是德语Infanterie"步兵"的缩写).
8mm 毛瑟弹 (7.92×57mm) - 枪炮世界
8×57 J枪弹的弹头直径其实是8.1mm,而7.92mm或7.9mm均是指枪膛的阳线直径。 8×57 J枪弹为无凸缘瓶形弹壳,伯尔丹式底火,发射一个重227格令(14.8g)的钝圆头弹头,枪口初速大约为610~640m/s,它是世界上第二种被正式采用的无烟发射药枪弹(法国的8mm勒贝尔枪弹是第一种),而且也是世界上第一种瓶形壳枪弹。 由于被1888式步枪采用,因此又被称为88式枪弹。 在19世纪末期,军事专家预感到需要一种弹道更平直的枪弹以适应未来埑壕战的需要,德国人通 …
In Stock 7.92x57 Mauser Ammunition - AmmoBuy
Find in stock 7.92x57mm mauser ammo from the top online retailers to find the lowest price. Find Bulk 7.92x57 mauser ammunition fast and cheap with our ammunition search engine.
7.92×57mm Mauser | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 7.92×57mm Mauser (designated as the 8mm Mauser or 8×57mm by the SAAMI [2] and 8 × 57 IS by the C.I.P.[3]) is a rimless bottlenecked rifle cartridge. The 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge was adopted by the German Empire in 1905, and was …
7.9x57 (8mm mauser) ammo differences | The Firearms Forum
2013年3月27日 · Are you 100% sure that it is 7.92x57? I can't think of any other 8mm cartridges that are very close in dimension to the 8x57mm, but there might be one out there somewhere... The wikipedia entry has a C.I.P. (the european equivalent of SAAMI) spec drawing of the 8x57 that you can use for comparison.
【基础枪械资料:弹药】7.92*57mm毛瑟步枪弹 - 哔哩哔哩
7.92x57IS. 此种子弹才是出自毛瑟公司,1905年研制出来的尖头弹(弹头重10克),由于是尖头故而穿透力更强,也因此被称为尖弹。 使用枪械主要是步枪和轻机枪,包括: 毛瑟M1898步枪(最早生产的版本需要改装膛部) 四年式步枪. 八一式马步枪. 中正式步枪. 毛瑟 ...
8mm Mauser German WWII 178gr FMJ Surplus Ammo, SmK Steel ... - J&G Sales
Original WW2 German 8mm (aka 7.92×57 or 8×57) 178gr AP FMJ ammo. This is German military surplus ammo from World War II, made in 1943 by HLB (Metallwarenfabrik Treuenbrietzen G.m.b.H., Werk Selterhof, Germany.) It is marked S.m.K (Spitzgeschoss mit Kern) which is “pointed bullet with core” indicating steel core armor piercing.
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8x57JS Mauser - BallisticStudies.com
The new cartridge was also referred to as the 7.92x57 Mauser, this being the first time the word Mauser was attached to the cartridge design. After Germany’s adoption of the 153 grain loading for the G98 Mauser rifle in 1905, the US military changed the .30-03 loading from a 220 grain round nose bullet at 2300fps to a 150 pointed bullet at ...
7.92×57mm Mauser - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The 7.92×57mm Mauser, aka 8mm Mauser round is a German bullet first used in the G98 Mauser rifle. Other German rifles chambered (Size of the bullet the gun can take) in 7.92×57mm include weapons such as the K98, MG34, MG42, FG42, G41, and G43.
Head to Head: .303 British vs. 8x57 Mauser | An Official Journal Of The NRA
2019年8月9日 · Both offer similar performance levels, but which is the smarter choice for the modern hunter? The 8x57 Mauser, or the 7.92x57 Mauser, 7.92x57mm J, 7.92x57mm JS or one of several names bestowed upon the cartridge, went through a series of revisions over the years.
真正的98k:7.92*57MM弹干货赏析 - 哔哩哔哩
大家熟悉的98k子弹并不是7.62mm口径,而是7.92mm,(旧称七九),该弹种有3种重要型号:7.92*57J(圆头) 7.92*57S(轻尖) 7.92*57SS(重尖),在一战和二战期间被大量生产,用于kar98步枪,mg42等德系武器。
鉴赏:二战著名枪弹——7.92×57mm Mauser(毛瑟)步枪弹
最早设计于1888年的7.92×57mm Mauser步枪弹,从打响武昌起义的第一枪开始,7.92毛瑟步枪弹便活跃在中国的战场上,广泛应用于中国战场上的主力装备(汉阳造 卅节式重机枪 捷克轻机枪 中正式步枪),一直到建国后的抗美援朝战争中还是志愿军的主力枪弹之一 ...
The 7.92×57mm Mauser cartridge's performance is comparable to the American .30-06 Springfield cartridge and makes it suited and in Germany allowed for the hunting all large European game such as deer, chamois, mouflon, wild Boar and bears.
8mm Mauser Ammo For Sale | Cheap Bulk 8mm Ammo - The Armory
Adopted by the Germans in 1905, the 8mm Mauser is a rimless bottlenecked rifle round. Also called the 7.92x57mm Mauser, the 8mm round was extremely popular in both World Wars and is still popular to this day. Modern 8mm Mauser rounds are predominantly used for sport or hunting and many of the rounds are manufactured in Europe and the United States.
Chinese Type 1 Long Rifle, 7.92X57 | Gunboards Forums
2020年9月29日 · Type 1 rifles were made by the Gongzian, Shanghai, Guandong, and Guangxi arsenals. The Chinese switched calibers to 7.92X57 in 1915. Presumably at least some of the 6.8X57 rifles were later rebarrelled to 7.92X57. M1907 and other Mauser models can come in different versions.
Results for 7.92x57 ammo ammunition - OpticsPlanet
Century Arms 7.92x57mm Mauser 196 Grain Full Metal Jacket Leadcore Brass Cased Rifle Ammunition Currently Unavailable
Greek 8mm Mauser (7.92×57) 198gr FMJ Surplus Ammo – 1 Crate …
We have for sale Greek 8mm Mauser (7.92×57) 198gr FMJ Surplus Ammo. This ammo was manufactured in the late 1930s by PCH Pouderie Et Cartouche Helene and has the 7.92×57 JS s.S. (schweres Spitzgeschosse) pointed bullet with lead core and bi-metal jacket (attracts a magnet), brass case, and corrosive berdan primer.
7.92mm Mauser FMJ 150gr Military Surplus ammunition
Romanian 7.92mm Mauser 150gr FMJ Steel Case Military Surplus ammo from the Cold War era. Excellent quality MilSurp for you M48 or K98 Mauser rifle. Excellent ammo for 8mm Yugo 53, MG42 and MG34 firearms.
7.92 Mauser M75 Sniper 196gr MilSurp #150
Classic Yugoslavian 7.92x57mm Mauser M75 Sniper ammo for sale, 196gr FMJ Military Surplus ammo. Best quality Mauser MilSurp that there is for your M48 or K98 Mauser rifle. Mildly corrosive. Ammo comes in 15-round packages, 4x15 = 60 rounds per lot. The usual great Fairy pricing with inexpensive shipping anywhere in CONUS.