708 vs. 308 - HuntingNet.com Forums
2006年1月4日 · Guns - 708 vs. 308 - Dumb Question. After reviewing ballistics tables time and time again, I really don’t see any appreciable difference between the 308 and 7mm-08..
Who has put sand in a rifle stock for recoil? - HuntingNet.Com
2014年10月15日 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Who has put sand in a rifle stock for recoil? - I read about this and it seems like a good idea for my boy since he's on the light side and his body weight has his poi high on target. Thank you for any thoughts or ideas !
RARC 7mm-08 problem zeroing | The High Road
2019年6月9日 · I took a trip to the range today to do a lil shooting but primarily to zero my ruger compact 708. I put a fairly inexpensive Vortex 2-7x32 that worked exceedingly well on my AR but my 708 bolt gun not so much. I got it to shoot dead on @ 100 but could not string a decent group together to save...
baikal/remington double rifle in 45/70 - HuntingNet.Com
2009年1月2日 · Guns - baikal/remington double rifle in 45/70 - have been watching these for several years,even called few times to remington and baikal overseas.could not get my hands on one,have read many stories about them some good some bad.talked to 2 guys that just got them.said wood is walnut ,not super fancy buy any means,both
sighting in rifle/best bullet for .308 - HuntingNet.com Forums
2004年8月23日 · Guns - sighting in rifle/best bullet for .308 - New to deer hunting. When i sight my rifle in, I start at 25 yards and am right in the bulls eye. However, when I go to the 100 yards I'm not on the target I aim at dead center for both distances. what am I doing wrong. My shots will range from 20 yards out to about 100
Baikal/Remington double rifle in 45/70 - HuntingNet.Com
2009年1月23日 · Guns - Baikal/Remington double rifle in 45/70 - i finally took it out and shot it today after2 weeks of bitter weather,of all the story's i have read the last 5 years trying to come across one of these,i was VERY surprised at what i got.the wood was much better then i thought,i heard story about the barrels are not
Replacement stock for Remington 700 Mountain rifle?
2009年11月5日 · Guns - Replacement stock for Remington 700 Mountain rifle? - Anyone know where I can find a replacement stock for a Remington 700 Mountain Rifle? I've searched and haven't found many. I see lots for Rem.700 BDL, ADL but not the Mountain Rifle.
baikal/remington double rifle in 45/70 - HuntingNet.com Forums
2009年1月5日 · Guns - baikal/remington double rifle in 45/70 - ORIGINAL: DM ORIGINAL: HEAD0001 Trap Door Specs.?? Where did that information come from?? Not arguing, just asking?? Personally I can not believe they built the rifle to Trap Door pressure specs. I read 2 reviews on the Leverguns site. Both guys over there liked what they
What a 300 Weatherby does to a deer (Graphic) - HuntingNet.Com
2008年11月27日 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - What a 300 Weatherby does to a deer (Graphic) - Well one of my dads buddies hunts deer with a 300 weatherby, and each year we advise him to maybe invest in a smaller rifle.
federal fusions problems - HuntingNet.com Forums
2014年11月16日 · Something I noticed is that the fusions and Hornady ammo when fired causes the rifle to recoil to the left. The ammo that does good in the rifle recoils straight back. I know nothing about the science of ammo it's just something I've noticed. Nosler factory ammo shoots real good in my son's 708 , 140 or 120 gr. it didn't matter.