LevelUP 737NG Series for XP12 Released! - AVSIM
2024年12月23日 · All Activity Home Forums The X-Plane Forums The X-Plane General Discussions Forum LevelUP 737NG Series for XP12 Released!
LevelUP 737NG Series for XP12 Released! - AVSIM
2024年12月23日 · So basically this is a LevelUp blended with the Zibo B737-800 mod. Seems to work for me ok with the patch. Picked out the short 600 and the 700 but have the 800 via Zibo and LR so that left the 900 series. So the question is now as ZIBO update and improve which they will - carry over to the LevelUP? or wait and see? Liveries were a pain via the LevelUp site (even …
P3Dv5 iFly 737ng or Max - The Prepar3d Forum - AVSIM
2024年10月8日 · Back in FSX I had the ifly 737 package which I really liked. So I think I will buy them. I know the differences between the ng models and the Max in the real world. But my question is looking from perspective how well the plane is modeled and texturized inside and outside - are there differences between 737ng and Max?
Zibo mod 737NG Intermediate Wipers - AVSIM
2025年2月24日 · Hi Everybody, Is there a way to adjust the timing of the intermediate wipers on the Zibo Mod? Thanks
737NG Speed Trim? - PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu - The AVSIM …
2011年7月31日 · I've been reading about it, but i still can't quite understand it :( At first i thought that it was similar to the Airbus auto-trim, but that can't be right because you have to trim the 737 manually, so how do it work? Does it only work with the …
737ng Glare Shield Dimensions? - The Home Cockpit Support …
2004年6月29日 · I'm getting close to building my glare shield but I have a few questions. I'd like to build it as close to the real thing as possible. Does anyone have the dimensions for the top area? I know it extends out from the MIP at 31cm. I haven't been able to find any dimensions for the top like how deep...
737NG (FS9) VNAV descent - PMDG 737 NG (Legacy Version)
2009年3月2日 · I fly both the PMDG 737NG and the 747-400 and Freighter. On the 747s usually once I've been given descent clearance from cruising altitude I'll tune in a lower altitude on the MCP, then I hit the DES NOW button on the FMC and basically I'll let the VNAV function control the rate of descent (using...
Best B737NG for FSX? - MS FSX | FSX-SE Forum - AVSIM
2009年3月30日 · Ariane Design make about the only current 737NG for FSX (several variants, including the 7/8/900 and the BBJ), all the other 737s for FSX are the 300/400/500 variants (basically either the Wilco PIC or possibly the Fifty North, with some tweaking).The Ariane 737 is pretty good, lots of people slam it, but they're mostly having a pop at Ariane ...
737NG - How to programm waypoint to be overflown? - AVSIM
2004年8月29日 · Hi Flightsimmers!I have a question about something I could not handle though looking up all the availible manuals...How can I programm the FMC that the waypoint has to be overflown first before turning? :-zhelpThe Airbus CDU has just a small button called "OvFy" with a triangle on it to insert it...
737NG Startup and shutdown procedures - AVSIM
2004年8月21日 · If you lose electrical power from your busses, however, including the Main Battery, the 737NG has a backup battery to shut down the engines.Hope this makes sense.Cheers.Ian.