Enhancing Frequency-Tuning Ability of an Improved ... - IEEE Xplore
A bandwidth of about 750 MHz around 9.6 GHz with power efficiency of over 33% and amplitude fluctuation of about -1 dB is obtained. The total adjusted length is 24 mm. The simulation results demonstrated the frequency-tuning ability of the relativistic BWO with multigigawatt output power.
High efficiency X-band relativistic backward wave oscillator with …
Backward wave oscillators (BWOs) driven by intense relativistic electron beams are very efficient means of producing high-power microwaves. However, the efficiency of conventional BWO is lower than 30%. An X-band oversized BWO with non-uniform slow wave structure is designed to improve RF output characteristics.
深入了解 S 型 Bi2WO6 的性质、形貌和光催化应用
这篇综述探讨了通过不同的形态变化、表面工程、表面缺陷、掺杂/共掺杂、Z 型和 S 型异质结形成来提高光效率。 光催化效率是 BWO 应用于光降解 CO 的前景 2 光还原、H 2 产生和光催化N 2 固定。 此外,还提供了挑战、意见和机会,以进一步深入了解开发新的光催化材料。 The excellent structural, electrical and optical properties of Bi (BWO) retain its potential as photocatalytic material for productive environmental and energy conversion applications.
BW Opal | BW Offshore
Delivering one of the industry’s largest state-of-the-art gas FPSOs, with environmentally considerate design efforts and energy efficient technologies. In 2021, BW Offshore signed a contract with Santos Ltd. for the supply of a FPSO for the Barossa gas field, with initial production expected to commence during 2025.
MWE 750 White 230V - V2 - Cooler Master
The MWE 750 White 230V - V2 offers 80 Plus Standard certification, guaranteeing an average efficiency of 85% at typical load.
Fuente de Poder Cooler Master GX III Gold 750W ATX 3.0 Modular
La fuente de poder Cooler Master GX III Gold de 750W ofrece una eficiencia excepcional y un rendimiento silencioso para sistemas de alto rendimiento. Con certificación 80 Plus Gold, garantiza más del 90% de eficiencia energética en cargas típicas, reduciendo el consumo y la generación de calor.
白鲸优化(BWO)算法(含MATLAB代码) - CSDN博客
2023年3月23日 · 白鲸优化 (Beluga Whale Optimization, BWO)算法是2022年提出的一种新的群 智能优化算法,由大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部工程力学系的李刚教授团队设计并提出,发表在KBS上。 它的原始参考文献如下: “ Zhong C, Li G, Meng Z. Beluga whale optimization: A novel nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022: 109215. 白鲸是生活在海洋中的鲸类,因能发出多种不同的声音而获得“海洋金丝雀”的称号。 白鲸也被称为“极 …
Fonte Cooler Master GX III 750W, 80 Plus Gold, PCI-E 5.0, PFC …
MPX-7503-AFAG-BWO SEM CABO DE FORÇA. Versão ATX: ATX 12V Ver. 3.0. PFC: PFC ativo. Tensão de entrada: 100-240V. Corrente de entrada: 10-5A. Frequência de entrada: 50-60 Hz. Dimensões (C x L x A): 160x150x86mm. Tamanho da ventoinha: 135mm. Rolamento da ventoinha: HDB. Velocidade da ventoinha: 1900 RPM. Eficiência: ≥90% @ Carga Típica ...
Australia-bound FPSO on track for first gas in 2025 but BW …
2024年11月15日 · BW Offshore disclosed a $1.15 billion project debt financing in September 2021 for the construction and operation of the FPSO, which will handle natural gas production at the Barossa field, thanks to the 4.6 billion, 15-year FPSO contract, with additional ten-year extension options.
五种算法(BWO、RUN、SO、HO、GWO)求解城市地形下无人 …
2024年5月10日 · (1)白鲸优化算法bwo 参考文献:Zhong C, Li G, Meng Z. Beluga whale optimization: A novel nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithm[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 109215.