The SN75176A differential bus transceiver is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus-transmission lines. It is designed for balanced transmission lines and meets ANSI Standard EIA/TIA-422-B and ITU Recommendation V.11.
SN75176B data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s SN75176B is a Differential bus transceiver. Find parameters, ordering and quality information.
TP75176E-SR_3PEAK (思瑞浦)_TP75176E-SR中文资料_PDF手册_ …
SN75176A 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 SN75176A 是一款 差分总线收发器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
SN75176A 差分总线收发器是单片集成电路,旨在实现多点总线传输线路上的双向数据通信。 它专为平衡传输线路而设计,符合 ANSI 标准 EIA/TIA-422-B 和 ITU Recommendation V.11。 SN75176A 器件将一个三态差分线路驱动器和一个差分输入线路接收器组合在一起,这两个器件由一个 5V 单电源供电。 驱动器和接收器分别具有高电平有效和低电平有效使能端,它们可以在外部连接在一起以用作方向控制。 驱动器差分输出端和接收器差分输入端在内部连接以形成差分输入/ …
SN75176 Datasheet(PDF) - Texas Instruments
Part #: SN75176. Download. File Size: 194Kbytes. Page: 13 Pages. Description: DIFFERENTIAL BUS TRANSCEIVER. Manufacturer: Texas Instruments.
SN75176 - 百度百科
SN75176BDR是一款差分总线收发器,设计用于多点总线传输线上的双向数据通信。 它们专为平衡传输线而设计,并符合ANSI标准TIA/EIA-422-B和TIA/EIA-485-A以及ITU建议V.11和X.27。 SN75176B器件将三态差分线驱动器和差分输入线接收器组合在一起,两者均采用单个5V电源供电。 驱动器和接收器分别具有高电平有效和低电平有效的使能信号,它们可以在外部连接在一起以用作方向控制。 驱动器差分输出和接收器差分输入在内部相连,以形成差分输入/输出(I/O)总 …
The SN75176A differential bus transceiver is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus-transmission lines. It is designed for balanced transmission lines and meets ANSI Standard EIA/TIA-422-B and ITU Recommendation V.11.
The DS75176B is a high speed differential TRI-STATE® bus/line transceiver designed to meet the requirements of EIA standard RS485 with extended common mode range (+12V to −7V), for multipoint data transmission. In addition, it is compatible with. RS-422.
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