RB211-535E4 | Rolls-Royce
The RB211-535E4-powered Boeing 757 is the quietest airliner in its class, allowing it to power aircraft in and out of airports with strict local noise limits. The three-shaft architecture, first introduced on this engine, allows an engine to have fewer stages giving a shorter, stiffer structure, and allows the rotors to run to their optimum ...
Rolls-Royce RB211 - Wikipedia
The Rolls-Royce RB211 is a British family of high-bypass turbofan engines made by Rolls-Royce. The engines are capable of generating 41,030 to 59,450 lbf (182.5 to 264.4 kN) of thrust. The RB211 engine was the first production three-spool engine and turned Rolls-Royce from a significant player in the aero-engine industry into a global leader.
勞斯萊斯RB211 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
勞斯萊斯RB211 (Rolls-Royce RB211)是一個由 勞斯萊斯 生产、推力介于37,400至60,600磅(166-270 千牛頓)之间的高 涵道比 涡轮风扇发动机 家族。 最初发展的目的是做 洛克希德 L-1011 (三星飞机)的动力装置,从1972年开始随着三星飞机的投入使用而开始服务,并且是该型飞机唯一的动力来源。 研究RB211所花去的巨额资金使得勞斯萊斯有限公司在1971年 破产,而之后被英国政府 国有化 使得公司能够生存下来。 RB211在1990年代被其概念的继承者 遄达系 …
The RB211-535E4 became the most popular engine selection for the 757-200/-300, powering 59% of the 1,049 aircraft built. a conventional two-shaft turbofan engine, with a 78.5-inch-wide fan, a four-stage LPC, 12-stage HPC, two-stage HPT and five-stage LPT.
RB211 Engined Boeing 757 Overpowered? - Airliners.net
2005年12月8日 · Recall the RB211 is a 747/767 engine that just has the cooling in the combustor and turbine reduced to improve efficiencies at the low thrust required by the 757.
Delta 757 Engines - Airliners.net
2006年10月4日 · They seemed to be happy with RB211 on the L-1011 (admittedly the only choice) and chose the Trent for their 777's. Is there a significant difference in operating economics between an RB211 757 and a PW2037 (or PW2042) 757?
高清剖面图:罗罗发动机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
RB211-535E4运行于1984年,推力40100lbf(178 kN),自重3.295吨,长2.99米,风扇直径1.88米,装机:波音757-200/300。 助力波音747-400和波音767-300ER的RB211-524发动机和助力波音757的RB211-535发动机开创了 罗尔斯-罗伊斯 独特的三转子结构涡轮,为遄达系列发动机 …
获英国女王颁发技术进步奖的罗·罗RB211发动机 设计特点解析|陈 …
2018年6月27日 · RB211-535E4是英国罗·罗公司为波音757双发客机发展的三转子高涵道比涡扇发动机,它是在罗·罗公司的 RB211系列发动机中-22B型的基础上缩小风扇而成的。
The 757-200 series is operated using the two lower-thrust-rated engines in the both the PW2000 series and RB211-535E4 series. This analysis studies the performance of the passenger variants of the -200 and -300 series, and the freighter-converted variants of the 757-200.
Rolls-Royce RB211-535 - shanaberger.com
2004年9月11日 · The RB211-535 was the launch engine for the Boeing 757 and entered service in 1983. 80 per cent of 757 operators have selected the -535.