7.62×39mm - Wikipedia
The 7.62×39mm (also called 7.62 Soviet, formerly .30 Russian Short) [5] round is a rimless bottlenecked intermediate cartridge of Soviet origin. The cartridge is widely used due to the global proliferation of the AK-47 rifle and related Kalashnikov-pattern rifles, the SKS semi-automatic rifle, and the RPD / RPK light machine guns.
7.62x39mm Ammo for Sale at Great Prices | Palmetto State Armory
Palmetto State Armory offers premium 7.62x39mm ammo at exceptional prices, making us your trusted online destination for reliable ammunition. With an extensive selection and fast shipping, we ensure you have the best ammo to meet all your shooting needs.
7.62x39 Ammo | 7.62x39 Ammo for Sale | Ammunition Depot
View our in-stock selection of Bulk 7.62x39 Ammo, AK47 Firearms, and AK47 Magazines from the manufacturers you trust. Learn More. Developed in 1943 during World War II, 7.62x39 ammunition was the Soviet Union's answer for needing …
7.62*39mm步枪弹 - 火器百科
7.62×39mm步枪弹与7.62×41mm原型弹相比,最大变化是弹壳长度及弹头设计。 前者弹壳更短,弹壳颈部相应缩短,全弹长缩短到56mm。 弹壳的形式、材料没有变化。 弹头为弧形尖头船尾式样,被甲材料为双面覆铜钢,弹头长度由原来的22.8mm增加到26.8mm,但质量只有7.9g。 钢心为锥形平底圆柱形,与被甲之间填充有铅套。 这种弹头被称为PS型普通弹,正式编号为57-H-231C。 新弹头较原型侵彻性能有较大提高,同时铅用量更少。 该弹初速约710~725m/s,膛 …
7.62x39mm Ammo - Reliable Rifle Rounds for Every Need
Shop 7.62x39mm rifle ammo at Cheaper Than Dirt! Perfect for hunting, target shooting, and tactical use. Find top brands at unbeatable prices.
7.62x39mm Ammo | In Stock 7.62x39 Ammunition - AmmoBuy
Find in stock 7.62x39mm ammo from the top online retailers to find the lowest price. Find Bulk 7.62x39 ammunition fast and cheap with our ammunition search engine.
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Buy Bulk 7.62x39mm Ammo Online at BulkAmmo.com
Most 7.62x39mm ammunition fires 122 or 123 grain full metal jacket bullets at a muzzle velocity of about 2,400 feet per second. The caliber delivers good penetration, good medium range performance, and reasonable accuracy. Although it was not designed for hunting, 7.62x39mm ammo can be adapted for harvesting game with appropriate soft point ammo.
7.62x39 Ammo | AK47 Ammo On Sale Up to 44% Off - OpticsPlanet
Shop 7.62x39 Ammo Today! We have some of the best 7.62x39mm ammo on the market in stock, and you can shop online for ATS Ammunition 7.62x39mm Ammo, Hornady 7.62x39mm Ammo, Igman 7.62x39mm Ammo, and more from top brands in the industry to ensure your AR, AK, or other compatible rifle variant performs to its fullest potential.
7.62x39步枪子弹 - 百度百科
7.62x39步枪子弹,镀铜钢质被覆,大型低碳钢心蕊,少量的铅于被覆与心蕊之间。 研发于二次大战,为SKS设计,战后并且使用于包括AK-47在内的许多俄国系统的枪械。
762*39mm弹穿透力实测与讨论 - 百度贴吧
现实中7.62*39弹药穿透力表现不如小口径弹药,主要是因为这些弹药的设计定型和投产时间早,没有采用后辈军用小口径子弹普遍采用的淬火钢芯弹芯,而主要工业国家也没有在小口径弹投产后继续推出穿透力升级的7.62*39普通弹,这才有了7.62*39弹药穿透力低下的 ...