7.62x51mm NATO - 百度百科
7.62x51mm NATO 北约 制式 步枪弹, 也被称为7.62mmNATO, 7.62mm北约弹, 或者7.62x51mm步枪弹. 来源于0.308英寸 温彻斯特 步枪弹. 上世纪50年代研制, 是 M14自动步枪 的配套 研发计划, 试验期间命名为T65试验弹. 后来成为北约各国的制式步枪弹. 7.62x51mm NATO跟市面上的 .308 Winchester有所不同, 主要表现在 军用标准 的枪弹膛压更高, 因此弹壳也更厚. 而且军用型步枪的枪膛要比民用型的略深 (0.33mm).
7.62 NATO vs .308 Winchester ammo: What's the difference?
2021年3月30日 · 7.62 NATO (a.k.a., 7.62x51mm) and .308 Winchester are two very common rifle cartridges commonly used by U.S. service members and civilians. The U.S. military’s 7.62 round is used for...
7.62×51mm NATO - Wikipedia
The 7.62×51mm NATO (official NATO nomenclature 7.62 NATO) is a rimless, straight walled, bottlenecked, centerfire rifle cartridge. It is a standard for small arms among NATO countries. First developed in the 1950s, the cartridge had first been introduced in U.S. service for the M14 rifle and M60 machine gun.
7.62×51mm NATO ——〖枪炮世界〗
7.62mm NATO 口径有多种型号,有多种类型的弹头和不同的弹道性能及目标效果,就算是普通弹也分别有钢芯和铅芯两种,而且虽然大部分 7.62mm NATO 弹都是黄铜弹壳,但也有个别国家采用钢弹壳。 在下面的型号介绍中我也只介绍美军标准的型号,其他国家生产的各型枪弹在结构和性能上也略有差别,但基本上和美军的相应型号差别不大。 至于民用的.308温彻斯特早已经不限于温彻斯特公司生产,同样有多种型号,不过民用弹的型号我这里也不一一介绍了。 根据美国陆军 …
军事科普丨BPZ、M80为啥是这个名?聊聊7.62x51毫米子弹 - 哔哩 …
作为一种全威力步枪弹,7.62x51毫米子弹拥有初速高、射程远、动能大的特点,所以常被狙击枪和机枪使用——如M14步枪、M60通用机枪以及M134速射机枪等。 而在它被选为NATO制式弹后,各成员国也开始着手开发适配枪械,先锋们熟知的FAL突击步枪便是在这一时期诞生的。 当然这种子弹也不是没有缺点:首先,作为全威力弹的7.62x51毫米子弹会产生巨大的枪械后坐力,在全自动射击时难以控制;其次这种规格的子弹重量较重,限制了士兵所能携带的弹药量,这也是 …
7.62x51 Ammo for Sale Online - Palmetto State Armory
Shop 7.62x51mm ammo at Palmetto State Armory for superior performance in hunting, target shooting, and tactical applications. With top brands, bulk pricing, and fast shipping, we make it easy to stock up on reliable 7.62 NATO rounds for your rifle.
7.62x51 Vs 308 | Does It Matter And What's The Difference?
2024年9月14日 · 7.62x51mm NATO and .308 Winchester are more similar than they are different, but that doesn’t mean they are perfectly interchangeable. While firearms chambered in .308 Winchester can generally use 7.62×51 ammunition safely, the inverse is not always true. Regardless, both cartridges have stood the test of time for a reason.
请教7.62*54R 和 7.62*51NATO 哪一种全威力7.62弹更好? - 知乎
7.62x51mmNATO弹是在二战中美军30-06步枪弹的基础上缩短药筒长度,从63mm缩短到51mm的产物,并一定程度上参考了.300英寸萨维奇步枪弹(一种用于唧筒式步枪的民用枪弹)。 两种枪弹都是全威力枪弹,论初速动能射击精度基本都在一个水平线上,但是要说哪个更先进显然是7.62x51mm弹,它是无底缘步枪弹,在自动武器上的供弹可靠性好于7.62x54mmR的凸缘枪弹,供弹具更紧凑。 后者用在自动武器上时因为底缘的存在有一定麻烦,在弹匣内如果第二发弹底 …
7.62 mm x 51 Armor Piercing 8 (M993) - Nammo
7.62 mm x 51 Armor Piercing 8 (M993) Significantly increases the warfighter’s lethality. Optimized projectile design with a tungsten carbide core for penetration of hard targets. Penetrates 18 mm rolled homogeneous armor 300HB at 100 m and heavy body armor at normal combat distances.
All About The 7.62X51 NATO Rifle Cartridge - Gunners Den
2021年8月4日 · The 7.62 NATO also known as its metric nomenclature 7.62x51mm, is a .30″ caliber, rimless, centerfire, bottleneck cartridge case design. The 7.62 NATO cartridge casing is reloadable after the cartridge has been fired or spent with various combinations of primer, powder and .308″ diameter bullets.