77 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
進智公交部分車輛的車牌號碼僅為「77」(因為其股票編號為77),例如ml77; 新界區專線小巴77線; 城巴77線
77 (number) - Wikipedia
77 (seventy-seven) is the natural number following 76 and preceding 78. Seventy-seven is the smallest positive integer requiring five syllables in English. 77 is: the 22nd discrete semiprime [1] and the first of the (7.q) family, where q is a higher prime. a Blum integer since both 7 and 11 are Gaussian primes. [2]
77 - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
77 係 76 同 78 之間嘅 自然數。
七十七国集团 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
七十七國集團(英語: Group of 77 )是一個由134個发展中国家組成的經濟組織,旨在促進成員的集體經濟利益,並增強其聯合談判能力。 [1] 七十七國集團成立於1964年6月15日,總部設在日內瓦。創始成員國有77個,現已擴展到134個。 [2]
Site 77 Wiki
5 天之前 · SCP: Site-77 is an action RPG shooter based on the characters and creatures of the SCP Universe with heavy focus on PvP and PvE. Players will accompany Foundation members, Prisoners, Chaos Insurgency or the shadowy Marshall, Carter and Dark on their daily actives inside the Site, facing off enemies to their faction, testing mysterious Anomalies ...
U.S. Route 77 - Wikipedia
U.S. Route 77 (US 77) is a major north–south United States Numbered Highway which extends for 1,305 miles (2,100 km) in the central United States.
七七事变 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
七七事變,又稱 盧溝橋抗戰 、 卢沟桥事變[3]:472 、邱钾钾事变(英語: Marco Polo Bridge Incident) [4]:660,是1937年7月7日發生在 河北省 宛平縣 盧溝橋 的日本 中國驻屯军 与 國民革命軍第二十九軍 之间的一次軍事衝突,被认為是 中國抗日戰爭 (八年抗戰)全面爆發的起點 [5]:304-315。 中國抵抗日本發動全面戰爭之作戰 [3]:472。 1937年7月7日晚10時40分,日本駐 豐台 中國駐屯軍 結束在盧溝橋附近 軍事演習,稱演習地點傳來槍聲,並有一名士兵志村菊次郎 …
77 (band) - Wikipedia
77 is a Spanish / Catalan hard rock band from Barcelona, formed in 2006 by brothers Armand Valeta and LG Valeta. The band's first lineup included Armand Valeta on vocals and rhythm guitar and LG Valeta on lead guitar, plus bassist Raw and drummer Dolphin Riot. [1] .
Marshall, Carter and Dark - Site 77 Wiki
2025年3月4日 · Marshall Carter and Dark is one of the main playable teams in Site-77, they're a powerful organization in terms of financial and political power and purchases and sells anomalous objects and they do so through the D-class and the Chaos Insurgency.
77 (number) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
77 is a natural number that comes after 76 and before 78. It is a palindromic number.