First Drive: 1978 Mazda RX-7 - MotorTrend
2010年5月18日 · Three of the new cars were available for testing: the standard model with 4-speed transmission, a GS version with 5-speed transmission and radial tires, and one equipped with the optional automatic...
1978 to 1990 Mazda RX-7 for Sale - ClassicCars.com
There are 17 new and used 1978 to 1990 Mazda RX-7s listed for sale near you on ClassicCars.com with prices starting as low as $9,950. Find your dream car today.
Mazda RX-7 - Wikipedia
The Mazda RX-7 is a front-engine, rear-wheel-drive, rotary engine-powered sports car, manufactured and marketed by Mazda from 1978 through 2002 across three generations, all of which incorporated use of a compact, lightweight Wankel rotary engine.
Mazda RX-7 Classic Cars for Sale - Classics on Autotrader
Based on the current Mazda RX-7 listings for sale on Classics on Autotrader, you may find some that cost as low as $6,800 and max out around $96,995. While the average price of a Mazda RX-7 is around $31,222, take a look at all the features, …
1978-’85 Mazda RX-7 - Hemmings
2018年9月23日 · Launching mid-1978 with a price under $7,000, the RX-7 was the antidote for people who missed the original Datsun Z before it made its transformation upmarket into the ZX: It was cheaper, lighter, and quicker than the ZX. In the U.S., it was a two-seater only, although in Japan, a set of jumpseats was wedged into the back to make it a 2+2.
1978 Mazda RX-7 - Amazing Classic Cars
Launched in 1978, the Mazda RX-7 was Mazda’s first mass-market sports car and would go on to become the best-selling rotary powered vehicle in history. And it also propelled the brand’s success on the race track to unprecedented levels.
RX-78-7高达七号机 - 高达WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩
RX-78-7 高达七号机(7th Gundam)是RX78系列的七号机,类型依然属于宇宙用多目的型试作MS,但还在设计阶段的时候一年战争便结束了。 七号机设计重心放在了强化装甲及火力上面,由此又衍生出 FA-78-3全装甲高达七号机 、 HFA-78-3重装全装甲高达 等机体。
Mazda RX-7 For Sale - Carsforsale.com®
Find 53 used Mazda RX-7 as low as $10,000 on Carsforsale.com®. Shop millions of cars from over 22,500 dealers and find the perfect car.
马自达RX-7进化史丨哪一代最经典? - 百家号
第一代(1978-1985)1978年3月,Mazda RX-7的初代车型 (SA22C)诞生,别称Savanna RX-7。 Savanna RX-7的前身Savanna GT (RX-3),RX-7搭载的12A型双转子发动机130ps马力,前悬挂采用麦佛逊,后悬则采用四连杆式独立悬挂,车身前后比重达到50.7:49.3,1982年的中期改款中追加了涡轮增压转子发动机,标定马力165ps。 外观方面较之初代RX-7增添了几分厚重感。 车身高度和宽度有所增加,动力方面,发动机由原来的12A型进化为13B型,排量为654cc×2的13B型双 …
马自达RX-7 - 懂车帝