Peak 1975 Scale Loupe 7X
Peak Scale Loupe is a typical measurement of simplicity, accuracy and low-price. Comes with a convenient fabric pouch. P.S.L. has excellent achromatic lenses (3 elements, 2 groups) and a photo-printed precise scale. It also has a focusing ring and 7 power magnification. As all sorts of lens aberrations are avoided, you can easily read the object.
Peak 1975 Scale Loupe Measuring Magnifier, 0.1mm Scale, 7x
The PEAK 1975 Scale Loupe is a 7x measuring magnifier with a built-in graticule scale having graduations every 0.1 mm and a measuring length of 20 mm. Precise measurements are easily taken by placing the scale on the area to be measured. The graticule scale is made of glass and can easily be removed.
Lens Checking: How Eye Care Practitioners Verify and Inspect Rigid ...
2023年9月9日 · Figure 14: Determination of the total diameter and the width of peripheral zones of an RGP contact lens using a 7x measuring magnifier (loupe). The depicted lens is a double-reverse geometry lens for orthokeratology.
7x - 9x Magnifiers : Peak Optics, Magnifiers, Comparators, …
The Peak Mini Comparater 7X is a handy and accurate optical measuring instrument composed of a combination of lens and scale, similar to our highly...
Peak 7X or 10X Measuring Loupes - Edmund Optics
Peak 7X or 10X Measuring Loupes come with a removable glass reticle scale placed in direct contact with the work to be measured for precise comparison. Additional reticles are also available. All models feature smooth-helicoid twist focus and fully coated achromatic lens systems for color correct flat field viewing.
高度近视的你还在戴框架?考虑下RGP吧 - 丁香医生
2021年9月3日 · 近视度数>1000 度或散光>100 度,那么最好就选择 rgp。 它是根据个人角膜形态定制,相比流水线的软镜和框架眼镜而言,尤其是高度近视、高度远视和散光较大的人,视觉质量会更好。
我和RGP的这八年 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
RGP跟普通的软性隐形眼镜不一样,不能自己购买,有毕竟严谨的配镜流程,要到眼科医院专门的验光医生进行验配和试戴。 这种眼镜开封后有效期是两年,但如果护理得当,没有什么不舒服,我个人觉得戴个两年半都行,之前知乎上看到过戴一副戴三年的都有。 我戴的是 美尼康Z系列,3800一副,这么多年都是这个价,在 中山医眼科 不合适半年内还包换,安全感满满的。 初戴RGP异物感特别明显,需要适应两周左右,逐步加长佩戴时间,适应以后,一天戴12个小时 …
再说说RGP直径的选择 - 验光师之家
常规的RGP直径从8.5mm~9.6mm不等。 一般说来,基弧陡时,配戴时镜片的重心会更加向角膜后方靠近而获得相对的镜片稳定,所以一般陡的基弧我们可以做相对小的直径。如美尼康的RGP直径从8.8~9.6mm。
Peak 1976 Scale Loupe 10x | Measuring Magnifiers - PeplerOptics
Peak 1976 Scale Loupe Measuring Magnifier with 5 Graticule Set, 7x. The Peak 1976 Scale Loupe set includes the PEAK 1975 magnifier in addition to popular scales no. S-1975-2, S-1975-3, S-1975-7, S-1975-8 and S-1975-10. The scales can also be put together as required from fifteen black and three white scales (see related products).
Measuring Magnifiers - The Loupe Store
Peak 1976 Measuring Magnifier with Graticule Set, 7x Magnification: 7x Shippingtime: Available!
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