Yoke 8-015 Grade 80 Connecting Link 1/2" (WLL 12,000 lbs)
Yoke 8-015 G-80 Connecting Links are designed for attaching chain to fittings and hardware. Features: Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Design factor 4:1 proof tested and certified Tested according to DIN EN 1677 Proof Load tested at 2.5 times the WLL with certification for each batch manufactured Specifications: Fits Chain: 13mm (1/2")
8-015-13 -x4, Set of 4, 1/2" Grade 80 Coupling Link, Hammer Lock Chain ...
Buy BA Products 8-015-13 -x4, Set of 4, 1/2" Grade 80 Coupling Link, Hammer Lock Chain Connector, G8-103-12: Tow Hooks - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
★Design factor 4:1 proof tested and certified. Tested ace. to DIN EN 1677
Yoke G80 Coupling Link - Zip's
When you’re performing an overhead lift, you need to trust your coupling links. This particular link comes in zinc-plated yellow. That plating allows for better corrosion resistance, which allows for the coupling to last longer.
【8-015】台湾YOKE原装进口蝴蝶扣G80级 8-015-05 连接扣锻造 …
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Yoke 8-015 G80 Connecting Link - SafetyLiftinGear
Yoke 8-015 G80 Connecting Link Design factor 4:1 proof tested and certified To suit 7/8mm, 10mm, 13mm, 16mm, 20mm, 22mm, 26mm and 32mm G80 Chain Capacities from 2tonne to 31.5tonne Fully certified
8-015 G80 Connecting Link - Tiger Lifting
YOKE 8-015 G80 Connecting Link
【YOKE G80级蝴蝶扣 8-015-13 5.3T多少钱】8-015-13/5.3T-鑫方盛
16GB + 512GB + 骁龙 8 Gen3:一加 Ace 5 手机国补后 2374 元再 …
22 小时之前 · 一加 Ace 5 系列手机去年 12 月末发布,搭载高通骁龙 8 Gen3 处理器,16GB+512GB 上市售价 2999 元。 今日京东可领 100 元新客礼金,叠加 8.5 折国补后实付 2464 元。
The William Hackett Grade 8 forged lifting components are manufactured by YOKE from alloy steel in accordance with EN1677. All forged components are individually magnaflux crack detected after heat treatment, they are then individually proof load tested to 2.5 times working load limit in accordance with EN1677.